Moving Day Is At Hand

Sep 14, 2011 12:43

I'm sitting at work right now while it's raining with nothing to do. Scratch that last statement. I got out of work early and am now at the Belleville Public Library utilizing their WiFi. Man, it hasn't rained like this in St. Louis since early June. While certainly welcome, it puts a strain on my day as far as getting work done is concerned. No matter. It does give me a little bit of time to catch up on my upcoming move, which as of today is nearly a month and a half away. Believe me when I say I and eagerly anticipating this move. It'll be a fresh start for me...same metropolitan area, but new city and new State...can't go wrong. So my final decision as far as apartment hunting goes was ultimately the one complex by the drive-in theater. So far it's the cheapest place I can find while being as close to the main highway (IL-15) as I can get. My only drawback to that place is that the latrine is located within the bedroom, unlike where I'm at now where it's on the outside, which is where I prefer it because it's easier for company to access it instead of going into my unsightly bedroom. However, as the last two years have shown me, I pretty much have no company because NO ONE really ever comes to visit me at all (save for Angie who's over here practically every weekend). I have made it abundantly clear to everyone that they were welcome to my place anytime they want so long as I was home, but still and all, I'M always the one doing the visiting to everyone else. And now that I'm moving to Illinois, that'll make it even more difficult to get company since almost everyone I know is in some way afraid to leave Missouri. So as far as the latrine location issue is concerned, screw it. I'll take it, and maybe next apartment I move in to will have a hallway latrine.

Other things to worry about with an out-of-state move also include my motor vehicle stuff, which includes switching both my car and CDL over to Illinois, which will be both good and bad for me. The bad part about that actually involves my CDL, as Illinois State law requires that I have to retake the CDL test again when I switch over (especially when I just renewed my license back in April of this year). So I have to take time out of rainy work days to study the CDL training manual to be ready for the time to take the test. But hey, at least I can get rid of these Missouri plates and get some nice new Illinois plates instead (yes I know I'm geeking out about license plates, but I'm weird like that)! So yeah, I've got a lot to take in once I get settled on the other side of the river, but I know that it'll all be worth it in the end.

Oh, and I won't be able to buy that iMac that I've been wanting until January with some more financial problems that have arisen (mostly from this past summer). That's doesn't bother me too much, though. Through my school money, I'm able to purchase the highest end iMac there is, which is what I intend on getting. So not this semester, but next semester will I have a computer in my room so I won't have to keep relying on my laptop for everything (which when you have an HDD crash and you're unable to get it fixed for two months will really kill you).

That's all from me for now. I have to get back across river and take a nap before tonight's Earth Science test. Later.

operation belleville move, computers, life

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