That's All I Need...More Torture!

Dec 03, 2008 16:24

As if my status couldn't get any more fucked up, I found out this week at work something very disturbing about my hours. It seems as though I was being mislead about how my hours worked. When I was first hired on with Richmond Heights, Tim told me that I could work 40 hour work weeks until the end of 2008 then revert to 30-32 hour weeks come January. Sounds good and dandy right? WRONG!!! Turns out that was a mislead, and the real story goes like this. I have been alloted a total of 1500 hours from the day I started to the exact same day next year...and in the five months that I've been there, I've already worked half of those hours! That means that for me to continue to work the other half, my weeks will be even shorter than that! How short? Try 24 hour weeks! That's even more of a pay cut than I was ever expecting! Well, thank you, Tim! Thank you for fucking my chances of moving out of my hell hole over!

So how are we to fix this? Well, I have but two options. Option 1) search for a full time position with another city (I already put in an app for Brentwood Public Works), or Option 2) continue to work at Richmond Heights and get another part time job elsewhere (and because Tim put me in this bad situation, he's helping me in asking the other cities if they have part time work available). I honestly trying for Option 1 because if I took Option 2, that means I'd have to put up with the bullshit at Richmond Heights, the bullshit of wherever else I'd have to work, then school, then the even worse bullshit I have to put up in this house! THAT'S JUST PLAIN FUCKING TORTURE, AND THIS IS A SERIOUSLY BAD TIME OF YEAR FOR THIS!!! I swear, why am I always tested like this, especially around this time of year?

richmond heights, bad situations

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