(no subject)

Nov 25, 2007 07:59

Okay, now I'm probably sure you're all wondering why I have like an eighth of my user icons listed above. Well, truth be told is this. I couldn't decide which ones to use to best represent this post. Just my "Work Sucks" one isn't enough for this post. Every single one of those icons above represents the exact amount of emotions running through my brain as of right now. So to save my brain a lot of hurting from overthinking, I decided to use them all!

Now on to the rant and rave. Last night at work was one of these worst nights I ever had to go in. All thanks to one Amanda!!! Okay, so we have a double trailer again, and we are understaffed badly! So what do you think is going through that woman's mind? "Oh if we can push them to their breaking points, we can get though this." But she made the mistake in pissing off a few of the teammates before the night even began! One example. On the second truck, it looked as if the truck's thrower, Gene, was about to both scan and throw the truck at the same time (usually there's a person with a scan gun scanning all the labels on the truck while another guy is putting boxes on the line). Before Gene could even answer the question, which he was about to, he was cut off by Amanda by giving Liz the answer "no he's not". Okay, since when was that question directed at her? I don't recall Liz asking Amanda that question. Needless to say it pissed off Liz and she took it right to Amanda and told her how disrespectful it was that she butted into a conversation that had nothing to do with her (and that conversation had nothing to do with her). Amanda somehow doesn't feel it disrespectful to butt in on other peoples conversations, and she pretty much does it to everybody on the team on a regular basis. Anybody else see how screwed up our ETL is? Seriously! So after that, the second truck was left alone for the rest of the unloading of the first truck. We didn't touch it until the first one was done, which took a staggering 90 minutes! Then it took another 90+ minutes to unload the second one. Usually we go on our lunch around 01:00, but didn't take it until around 01:17 when the truck was done. Not even the pizza that they offered us was enough to cure the misery we were feeling.

So after lunch, I grabbed the nearest pallet jack I could find to help clear off the line of all the freight that was push. When I got done with that, I pretty much figured Amanda would send me to go work in the H&B block (an area I really hate working in) oh, but she had something else in store for me. Instead, she sent me to go and bowl out all of C & D block by myself. And do you know how much I had to bowl out? Well, instead of telling you how much, why don't I show you:

Do you see all that!? All that was mine! At said point, I so wanted to just take my blades and start swiping madly at her, cutting flesh and leaving wounds wide open for blood to spill out!!! But I composed myself and just started bowling out. By around 03:20, Ann (our Team Lead for the night) came up to me and told me to stop bowling and just start working the top of C side where Plastics were (that's the left side of the pic in the far upper corner...you can barely make it out because of all the junk there). Now I was already killing myself lifting all the heavy boxes going from aisle to aisle (C & D block has the heaviest boxes of all the blocks in the store) and tripping over half of the boxes already on the floor, so I was very happy to hear that. Things got a little better after second break when help started to arrive. Much of the block got done, but I didn't bowl out all of the pallets, leaving four behind. Oh, but the whole team was still pissed at Amanda because apparently she did or said something to them while working in A & B block...I don't know what. I don't really care, either. I wanted to kill her too. Then she has the gall to ask me if I could stay a few hours more to help finish up. My answer was more than a no. It was a HELL NO (just like that)!!! I had killed myself all night and I'm leaving at my regular time which is at 06:30, not a minute more! Especially when I have to come in and kill myself again tonight!

This whole issue will be taken up with the Human Resources ETL and the STL (Store Team Lead) the first chance I see either one of them. Amanda really hit everyone's nerves tonight by pulling off the stupidest crap that management can ever pull off. I'm hoping to hell that they fire her, hang her from a flagpole, set her on fire! Matter of fact, if it were up to me, I'd fire her! This shouldn't be allowed to happen, and I'm going to take whatever measure necessary to correcting this problem.

I'm glad it's Grey Sky outside. My mind needs it right now. Alpheus Clyde, go to bed, man!

stupid people, wtf, rants and raves, red store of death, random acts of stupidity

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