You Know It's Christmas Time When...

Oct 28, 2007 08:14

...your local retail store starts setting up their seasonal departments with Christmas stuff. And for us folk that have the unfortunate displeasure of working retail, you know what that means. Long weeks and hours and hardly no time to yourselves. Yep. It's right around the corner for me. The daily double trucks are arriving early this year. Usually they don't start until around the middle of November, but no. They want to get them early! Now almost everyone that watches me knows that November and December are my least favorite months of all time. And Christmas is my least favorite holiday of all time. So I'm just going to be preparing myself for some sleepless days because I know I'm gonna have a lot of them. I know I had quite a few last year, and believe me, they weren't pretty. Thing is this year I have school to juggle in, but I know that sometime in the middle of December I should be finished with my first semester. Not a problem in some aspects I guess. I'm just wondering how this is all going to play out. I guess I shouldn't complain. I'm getting somewhat better pay than what I got last year, and I do need the money badly. goes nothing.

Sorry I put this up a month early. Usually I save this rave for the middle of November, but all this stuff's coming up faster this year than they did last year, so...there ya go. Okay, I'm done. I'm going to bed. Laters.

holidays, rants and raves, red store of death

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