I thought I take some time to explore my personality, mostly because I feel I really don't think I know myself better than I thought I did. Hopefully from this, I learn more about how I think and how I can improve on myself.
My Personality Neuroticism
47Openness To Experience
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Survey Software You are generally calm and composed, reacting moderately well to situations that most people would describe as stressful. You are generally calm, although some situations can make you feel anxious or tense. You rarely get angry and it takes a lot to make you angry. You very rarely feel depressed and are usually in a good frame of mind. You are sensitive about what others think of you. Your concern about rejection and ridicule cause you to feel shy and uncomfortable around others. You are easily embarrassed and often feel ashamed. Your fears that others will criticize or make fun of you are exaggerated and unrealistic, but your awkwardness and discomfort may make these fears self-fulfilling prophecy. You do not experience strong, irresistible cravings and consequently do not find yourself tempted to overindulge. High levels of stress can lead to you feeling panic or confusion, but usually you cope with day to day pressures.
In a sense, I kind of agree with this. I am sensitive about others thoughts of me, but I usually try not to let it cloud my judgement. Often times, it does lead to my shyness problem (especially around female folk) though. I guess that explains the reasons why I'm so quiet all the time.
You are neither a subdued loner nor a jovial chatterbox. You enjoy time with others but also time alone. You genuinely like other people and openly demonstrate positive feelings toward others. You make friends quickly and it is easy for you to form close, intimate relationships. You tend to feel overwhelmed by, and therefore actively avoid, large crowds. You often need privacy and time for yourself. You tend not to talk much and prefer to let others control the activities of groups. You lead a fast-paced and busy life. You move about quickly, energetically, and vigorously and are involved in many activities. You love bright lights and hustle and bustle. You are likely to take risks and seek thrills. You have a generally cheerful disposition.
I can take a lot of agreeance in this. Mostly because I for one can make friends easily (well more easily than others), and I do shy away from large crowds. I do need my privacy as do others, but I do like the comfort of being around others.
Novelty, variety, and change spice up your life and make you a curious, imaginative, and creative person. Often you find the real world is too plain and ordinary for your liking, and you use fantasy as a way of creating a richer, more interesting world for yourself. You love beauty, both in art and in nature. Sometimes you become easily involved and absorbed in artistic and natural events. You have good access to and awareness of your own feelings. You are eager to try new activities, travel to foreign lands, and experience different things. You find familiarity and routine boring, and will take a new route home just because it is different. As a person who is open-minded to new and unusual ideas, you love to play with and think about ideas. You also like to debate intellectual issues and often enjoy riddles, puzzles and brain teasers. Often you exhibit a readiness to challenge authority, convention, and traditional values. Sometimes you feel a certain degree of hostility toward rules and perhaps even enjoy ambiguity.
That is true. I do like a lot of variety, and I do have a pretty active imagination. It is easy for me to see the beauty in things, as I never have anything negative to say about art or nature. That's why a lot of the comments I make on other's artwork is always positive. And I'm always one for unusual ideas because they always intrigue me. I was never one for tradition much. I like the fact that something out of the ordinary can actually make a bit of a difference. I guess that's a part of me I knew all along.
You have a strong interest in others' needs and well-being. You are pleasant, sympathetic, and cooperative. You naturally assume that most people are fair, honest, and have good intentions. You see no need for pretense or manipulation when dealing with others and are therefore candid, frank and sincere. People find it relatively easy to relate to you. You find helping other people genuinely rewarding and are generally willing to assist those who are in need. You find that doing things for others is a form of self-fulfillment rather than self-sacrifice. You dislike confrontations and are perfectly willing to compromise or to deny your own needs in order to get along with others. You do not like to claim that you are better than other people, and generally shy from talking yourself up. You are tenderhearted and compassionate, feeling the pain of others vicariously and are easily moved to pity.
Okay, this part for me generally speaks for itself. I don't have to say anything about this.
You set clear goals and pursue them with determination. People regard you as reliable and hard-working. You believe that you have the intelligence, common sense, drive, and self-control necessary for achieving success. In general you tend to be disorganized and scattered. You have a strong sense of duty and obligation, and feel a moral obligation to do the right thing. You strive hard to achieve excellence. Your drive to be recognized as successful keeps you on track toward your lofty goals. You often have a strong sense of direction in life, but may sometimes be too single-minded and obsessed with your work. You have strong will-power and are able to overcome your reluctance to begin tasks. You are able to stay on track despite distractions. You take your time when making decisions and will deliberate on all the possible consequences and alternatives.
That's one thing that I feel I haven't been to good at in the past, but I've started to really take to heart this year. My determination has hit an all-time high since I've moved back in with the parental figures from hell. But I guess I have been a very determined person in the past because of some of the things I have accomplished, like being a trucker for one. I was determined to become one and (for a relatively short time) I became one, and I didn't let anything or anyone stand in my way. Sometimes my work does cloud me a lot, and I try to not let that happen, but it's something I can't help. I have learned to take my time in decision making and I have always looked at pros and cons and alternative at my decisions, and I hope to continue this in my immediate future.