Days Go By And Still I Think Of You...

Jul 12, 2006 08:00

Okay, here's the low down on what the last few days have been like at T-1515.

Friday-->Saturday and Saturday-->Sunday: both sucked! We ended up having big trucks both days and too many call offs. That pretty much meant hardly enough time to get push done and no time to get pulls done. As a result, I ended up both of those days getting off at 07:00 (which gained me one hour of overtime.

Sunday-->Monday went smoother for me becuase Brent made me the designated trash man. In that store, that means I go around collecting and emptying all the bins of cardboard boxes that are discarded after merchandise is taken out. That was pretty easy up until the last part of the day when they took out the trash compactor to empty it, so I couldn't put regular trash away.

Monday-->Tuesday: I was supposed to be off that night, but I broke my numeral uno sacred rule that I learned from working at Kland. NEVER VOLUNTEER!!! And that day literally kicked me in the ass. Our electric line wasn't working that night and we had to unload the truck with the manual line, which sucked badly! But, luckily we were able to get out fast enough for me to avoid another round of O/T.

Tonight was double truck night. Something odd happened though. Whoever the driver of Truck 1 was parked the trailer in a very inconvient spot which made unloading it very difficult to say the least. Good thing I had one of those Vault energy sodas before I went on. Those really do have a kick to them when you need it the most.

Well, in short, that's how the last few days for me went. I'll be having Friday and Saturday night off, which gives me some time to go and see Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. I figure I might as well go and see it at some point this week, since people are raving about it. Good thing next week my check's gonna be bigger, what with ID4 and the small bit of O/T I got last week. At that point, I'll be in the process of saving for my truck and paying people back.

Well, I'm gonna go to bed. Will be back on later in the day (I hope). Adios, amigos/amigias!

red store of death

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