(no subject)

Jul 09, 2006 09:06

Had a couple of rough nights this weekend, and I'm not through yet. I'll report on those later, but now, I'm gonna go to bed. In the meantime, here's a meme for people to take if'n they want.

And now, a random act of curiosity; reply to this and then post it to see what people think about you

0= I don't know you
1= I like you
2= I love you!!
3= You are funny
4= You are cool
5= I don't really care for your personality
6= I want to make love to you
7= You are sexy!
8= You have a nice body
9= I want to get to know you
10= I hope you die
11= Marry me, PLEASE?
12= wanna make out later
13= let's cuddle
14= Let's go have some fun ;)
15= Wanna date some time?

Edited for content. Viewer Discretion Advised.

red store of death, memes

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