Last Week In Review

Oct 09, 2005 15:23

Last week was a nightmare for everyone working at Dunn Rd. Kland (and I do believe Klands all across the country). We had this Layaway special. Everything that goes in is $1 down. Now, last week I had a number of closing shifts, and those are the worst times to be working with this special going on. To make matters worse, Shelita was working all of us to death. One night in particular, Wednesday night, I was the only male associate in the building, so I had to work multi duty. Taking heavy stuff out the Layaway, putting heavy stuff in the Layaway, taking stuff out to and putting them into cars, the whole enchillada. And if that wasn't enough, I had to get five areas straight and put away stray mechandise. Shelita had wanted me to be in twenty-six different places at one time, which got me so steamed at the end of the night, I was ready to take a softball bat and crack her skull open. Luckily for me, the next morning I was opening, which I was able to cool off a little, but Shelita managed to get under me that time. And apparently, I'm not the only one who thinks that way, either. Friday night, everyone was talking about that incident. Jeremy already quit because of Shelita (not that I blame him). Let this be a lesson to anyone who thinks of working part-time at Kland: DON'T DO IT!!! Part-timers get treated like utter-shit. Go to Wal-Mart. Or better yet, go to Target. Target's the best place of all three to work at. They treat you better.

In other news, Cinderella Platinum Edition is finally mine! This should round out my collection at least until Lady & the Tramp Platinum Edition comes out next year (February 28th for those who don't know; mark your calenders, folks). I'm getting close to beating Midnight Club 3 and Sly 3. Coming soon to my collection will be L.A. Rush on Xbox, which I will be trading my Sega GT 2002/Jet Set Radio Future for it. I've lost interest in Sega GT 2002 because I found Forza Motorsport to be a better game.

That's all for now. Take care, all.

games, dvds, kmart's crap

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