One Month

Aug 21, 2007 21:01

I'm tired. I should probably just go to bed. It's Tuesday. I have 3 more days of work but if I could be finished tonight that would be wonderful. My head hurts and my throat feels a bit funny. I'm hoping that I'm not getting sick and it's just from yelling at the kids all day. I got my room assignment today and the names of my roomate and 2 suite mates. I can't find any of them on Myspace of Facebook. Weird? Maybe a little.

I'm a little disappointed with my summer. I've made some money, (some, not much) and that's basically it. I haven't seen very many friends. Some have already left. I haven't done anything very adventurous or memorable. Some things have been mildly memorable but not in that exciting rediculously fun sort of way. There are a lot of people I wish I had taken more time to say goodbye to, or seen more of over the summer. In general though, when I'm looking back to the "summer before college" I'll remember it as the summer I worked at "that summer camp". I always envisioned some sort of exotic trip, maybe backpacking through Europe or a road trip accross the country with a few friends. I haven't even left southern California. (Except for going to orientation in northern California). I'm not really complaining, nothing has been bad. There have been good things. Just not what I expected.  I have exactly a month. So many things to do, to change.

I saw Once on Sunday night. I recommend it. It's simple but touching and has some pretty damn good music.

Anyway. I'm going to need to find something to do after work ends.

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