May 10, 2007 04:01
I've realized what stops me from posting much in this thing. A live journal is not really the place to tell the story of your life, as I'd previously thought of it. What this guy is really for is to record the odd little moments (and memes) that you come across. My new goal is to try to get a little tidbit of interest from each day put up here. Maybe that'll make this more fun to post to, and hopefully fun for you kids at home as well.
Tuesday 5/8: I'm back tracking one day because this was too funny not to mention.
Early in the day I'd picked up a couple packs of booster packs for the WoW card game (the expansion Through the Dark Portal to be exact), and had taken them out to sort through during the times in Rob's new Cthulu game that I was off camera. My cat Sam quickly decided that the empty plastic bag they had been in was the place to be and jumped in. After several minutes of fun cat hijinx, Sam ran out of the bag. Rob picked up the bag, reached in and pulled out one card that was still hiding out in the folds of plastic. The card, of course, was Cat Form.
5/9: Finished painting a unit of Sword Knights for Warmachine. A pretty rad accomplishment as they came out looking pretty darn good in my opinion. Not stellar, by any means, as I still have a very long way to go on the technique of applying a good wash, but still very good looking. The captain in particular came out well. What's visible of his face gives him a very world weary look, which I think is about right. I see the Sword Knights in the Warmachine fiction as being kind of the under appreciated, everyman's heroes for Cygnar. Everytime something nasty is running around out on the edge of town, it's these guys who heed the call, and they still manage to muster anytime the big bad guys show up as well. I'll try to get someone with a decent camera to take some photos of these guys.