What's the RPM Challenge? Here's what it says on their site:
This is The Challenge - Record an album in 28 days, just because you can. That’s 10 songs or 35 minutes of original material recorded during the month of February. Go ahead… put it to tape.
It’s a little like National Novel Writing Month, (NaNoWriMo.org) where writers challenge each other to write 1,700 words a day for 30 days, or the great folks over at February Album Writing Month (fawm.org), who encourage artists to write 14 new songs in February. Maybe they don’t have “Grapes of Wrath” or “Abbey Road” at the end of the month, or maybe they do-but that’s not the point. The point is they get busy and stop waiting around for the muse to appear. Get the gears moving. Do something. You can’t write 1,700 words a day and not get better.
Don't wait for inspiration - taking action puts you in a position to get inspired. You'll stumble across ideas you would have never come up with otherwise, and maybe only because you were trying to meet a day’s quota of (song)writing. Show up and get something done, and invest in yourself and each other.
Anyone can come up with an excuse to say “no,” so don’t. Many of you are thinking “But, I can’t do that! I don’t have any songs/recording gear/money/blah blah blah...” But this doesn’t have to be the album, it’s just an album. Remember, this is an artistic exercise. Just do your best using what you have in order to get it done. If you have a four-track, become a four-track badass! A mini disc, a pro-tools rig, a Walkman, an 80’s tape recorder - use it. Do your best. Use the limitations of time and gear as an opportunity to explore things you might not try otherwise...So put it to tape.
So here are 9 of my 10 songs. I didn't think Track 4 turned out very well, so I left it off. I'm going in a completely different direction than last year. The images are basically random. For more nonsense visit
www.YouTube.com/KovicTexas and
#1: Bastardsword
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#2: Drive
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#3: Toms
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#5: When did I know you?
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#6: Velvet Room No.4
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#7: Heart of Space
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#8: Church
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#9: Parlor Song
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#10 (Bonus Track): S.P.
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