May 15, 2010 19:56
-- my externship at the vets office was terrible!!! i ended up being fired because i was a klutz, tripped over the vaccum cleaner, and broke the switch. the head tech was pissed off at me and snapped at me to get out. but i was hating that job!!! i wasn't allowed to do things that i had been taught. and i didn't spend $10,000 getting my VA to be washing dogs!!! plus i don't think that groomers should smack dogs with a brush because they aren't behaving...
-- i then finished my externship at a doggie day care. i mostly took care of the small dogs. i loved my small dogs, except for one of the manager's chihuahua. he was an ass. cleaning was a total pain!!! it left me very sore and i was taking lots of ibuprofin. it was nice tho, walking in to the pen and having all the dogs swarm over to be petted and loved. and the people were nice too!!!
-- so the week after i finished my externship, i graduated!!! i had a 3.58 GPA. i was 0.02 points from the honor roll. but still, i never got above a 3.0 before and i was very very happy!!! so i'm now a certified VA!!! woohoo!!!
-- i got a temp job at the US census. after a week of training i'm now a enumarator. today was my first day in the field. lots of people not home, a couple of for sale homes. the thing that scared me was being chased off someone's porch!!! the guy was a total asshole!!! i was sooo scared!!! i'm not going to deal with assholes!!! too bad i can't take my dog with me...
day to day stuff,