Feb 07, 2010 13:22
Mayor's race in Divide has gone to the dogs
DIVIDE, CO • This mountain town is electing a mayor and the winner is going to be a real political animal.
It’s a real cat fight. Some say the race is fixed.
And, chances are, the next mayor is, too.
The slate of candidates for Divide’s top dog - or cat - were picked by Teller County Regional Animal Shelter.
Four Republi-cats and 21 Dog-ocrats are on the ballot.
Citizens can vote as often as they want. As long as they pay up.
“It’s $1 a vote. We encourage stuffing the ballot box,” shelter spokeswoman Sue Hearon said.
The campaign isn’t to fill a political seat. There is no mayor in this unincorporated town with no governing body.
The post is strictly ceremonial, presiding over parades and such, and the campaign is a fundraiser for the animal shelter in this town about seven miles southwest of Woodland Park. Proceeds will be used to help fund a new building.
Hearon got the idea from a news story about a little town in Kentucky that needed to revitalize an historic building that staged an election with goats, sheep and all kinds of farm animals on the ballot.
The Divide election is limited it to dogs and cats.
Don’t refer to them as “four-legged,” though.
Walter the cat only has three legs. The former stray tabby got hit by a car. Now, he works at Animal Clinic of Woodland Park.
That’s right - works.
All mayoral candidates must have jobs. That was the only requirement.
“They either live at their person’s place of business or they go to work on a regular basis,” Hearon said.
Voting is now through April 6. Cast a ballot online or at polling places in 40 locations in Divide and Woodland Park.
It doesn’t matter how many times candidates chased the mailman or clawed the furniture. Don’t even try to make it an issue.
To vote: www.tcrascolorado.com/mayor-of-divide.html
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