A few things thats news about me.

Apr 26, 2010 00:35

SO, its been a couple of months, and stuff has happened. First off, I'm living with the folks again. Due to the way the world is with economy and such, I did not get enough money for rent. so I had to book it in just three days from notice received. SO I moved out and into my parents place, took my sisters old room (which is fine. it works out for me) And got a storage unit for all my stuff that I couldn't bring to the house. The monday that followed, I get called and told I'm let go of and no longer an employee of the company I was (barely) working for. So that's done. Come friday or saturday, I get the unemployment form thats a duplicate because they had an issue with the original I filled out. So I filled it out and sent that out. Hoping to get it a check tomorrow and the new form to send right back out. Next, the management for the apartment I was at, can't find my paperwork for when I moved in. So they have been digging about and making calls and request with another management company that handled me first and hopefully by tomorrow they will have the paperwork showing what the deposit was and such so I can get that money. When I moved I had to give up my male cat, and I'm not bothered by it really. I'm glad he is gone now that I have moved and have had to clean so many things that he pissed all over. I fought with verizon for about a week on getting my phone and DSL service turned on and hooked up. I eventually used some tools and equipment my dad and I had to figure which phone drop from the pole was activated and which phone line from the box into the house was mine. A few days late, but it got turned on and running. Now I get phone calls with no one on the other end and wait till the computer turns on or the operator asking for god knows who talks so I can tell them I just got this number.

Now, I have become addicted to that Shakes and fidget flash browser game. Its a lot more enjoyable than bite fight was. click the link  s1.sfgame.us/index.php to check it out. I also have received my fursuit raven head! yay! I got this one from Syber who does great work and I was her first bird. Though it is tight and hard to get on right now, I'm hoping it stretches out with time and use. None the less, its great to be part of the suiting side of the fandom finally. Its more fun than anything I feel. Also, I have the second head drying stand complete. Though I'm going to make a couple of modifications to them. this being a bolt on the Tee's for the trunk and base to keep the stand from falling. The glue I'm using now is good, but it has already failed on the base. So I'm worried. Tomorrow I'm going to drill and place the bolts in. its just a safety thing, but rather be safe then sorry. I'm going to try to do the same a the next PS where I have the other stand at.

Last week my mate and I went and saw How to train your dragon twice. once in reg and the second in 3D. it was a great movie and I liked it. I DL'ed it and watched it a couple more times at home. I have finally played, beat, and completed all achievements for Assassin's creed 2. Al I can say is wow! If you haven't seen "the truth" and the ending for the game, then you are in for a treat. It really messes with the mind. Gets into some strange theories about the human race and our origins. I also played and beat and unlocked all the achievements for Wolfenstein 3D on the 360. was fun and nostalgic of course. I'm now trying the same for doom, though there is one achievement I don't think I will go for and that's fine by me. My female cat, Mihoshi, is doing good and is settling in from the move. She knows the house from memory, but there are three other cats here and she was never one that got along well with other cats. So 'm hoping she will adjust with time. I have a few ideas for work and am waiting to get my license renewed and my driving record cleared for the 3 year. I have one ticket left and it should be comming off this month. After that, I feel I'll have a much better chance at getting a job as a tow truck driver or deliverey truck driver. Though I am also looking at going for a guard card and being a security guard. its nothing too special, but it can lead to a lot and is good to have. It would also look better for con as that more on CFAC have guard cards and have more experience. Just a thought of course. I fixed my airsoft Rocket launcher. the regulator was blowing the CO2 as soon as I put the tank on. so I took it all apart, had to wash it because of the cat pee. and did some adjustments and got the system working again. I'm happy with that and have another working weapon.

Not much else really. Just really hoping things will turn around in the economy soon for us average joe workers. I'm looking into that HHO fuel cell stuff. Have a friend that's building them and if it works out for him, I'm going to see if I can get hooked up. Some will remember when the myth busters tried to build one and failed. that's because they built it wrong and didn't use the correct solution for the water. Check Youtube for more info on this system.

one more thing. I deleted my MySpace account. I didn't use it and have no want for one. So its gone for good.

Thats all for now. Till next time.
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