Watching for Cracks, Looking for Openings

Jan 09, 2009 01:26

A new semester filled with uncertainties is here
I'm taking a few steps forward into uncharted territory
Towards things that could easily go from pleasant to
Icy depending on how I step.

I'm welcoming and praying for the challenges ahead
despite how risky and scared I may be to do so.
and taking more chances when it comes to people.

There's so many more things I want to learn after I graduate!
I want to make pottery
Learn how to blow glass
carve huge wood sculptures
continue violin lessons
speak Japanese fluently
take a class at range masters & get licensed
and my mom keeps having a reoccurring dream that we are supposed to take oil painting
classes at singleton

there is so many boxed up things that I haven’t opened yet
and we don't live long enough to discover them all
or we limit ourselves and make excuses why we cannot reach them
A life without change is unmemorable and boring

typing them here makes me feel so much more at ease,
so I will not forget things I want to do.

I put a small notebook in my purse tonight
It's a clean and new slate.
I've always wanted to carry one for those moments
where you see, hear, smell, touch, or taste something and want to document it right away
yet when you get home you've forgotten and it's gone.
I want to remember.
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