Sep 25, 2009 14:44
i am thinking about shutting down my livejournal, only because recently, i have only been able to view the most recent 2 entries from friends, and i cannot for the life of me figure out how to make it let me see more. today, i got on to my friends page and found that in fact there were no friend posts, but instead, they had been replaced with two advertisements. So now I can no longer see friend posts at all, only advertisements. this is dumb. i generally never look at this site anymore anyway, so perhaps it is time to bid it farewell. i will think of this more carefully after happy hour tonight.
i am all moved to college station, it is not as bad as i was expecting; although, there are several horrible things about this town that i did not anticipate: the crazy Texas A&M fans here, everyone running around saying "howdy" and then getting surly when i answer "hello", the conservative students waving big pictures of Obama around complete with Hitler mustache and a saying "he has changed" (apparently Obama hates jews, and social medical care = Hitlers idea of communism to these people), football FANATICISM, and students/alumni with way WAY too much Aggie Pride. All of this stems back to football: not research, not academia, not grants; but football. i also think there was a rule that i missed at student orientation, which was a) you must have a gold aggie class ring and wear it all the time, and b) you must wear school colors/tshirts/aggiewear at least 3 times per week. i have none of these things.
i have been reluctant / lazy about making friends, i have only gone out twice in the last 6 weeks of living here. i have been having lots of fun scrapbooking/crafting/making hair things/making a shawl/making candles/trying new recipes/and writing letters. at least now i know that i am perfectly capable of entertaining myself in the absence of friends. today i am going to venture out on a limb and go to happy hour with the other Wildlife/fisheries grad students. unless i get tired and punk out in favor of going home and playing with my crafts. we shall see.
taking two classes: ethology and population dynamics. both good classes. have been sitting in my office alot with my office mate, alejandra. playing on the computer a whole bunch. research looks like it is going to be with section 6 (endangered species) animals, specifically the attwaters prairie chicken, and trying to figure out why there is so much juvenile mortality (the species would be competely extinct if it were not for rehabilitation/captive breeding and release programs). even though many birds are bred and released annually, they are still seeing about 90-100% juvenile mortality in the wild, and so i will be investigating the role of toxins in their diets from pesticide use from neighboring ranchers and what not. sigh.
anyway, i think im going to mosey on home now and maybe put on some makeup and do up my hair before going to happy hour. hope to talk to you all soon!