Xander's Prediction Powers of Predicting

Sep 09, 2012 18:08

Starting out small here, but...

In 5.03 "The Replacement" Xander is faced with his doppelgänger, actually himself split in two, with both halves actually simply being Xander. His response, though? "It's a robot!"

5.18 "Intervention" Xander is faced with a duo of Buffys, one being the Buffybot, a robot duplicate made by Warren. "Hey, I know this! They're both Buffy!"

So, he's learning, but not in the right direction...

While the second line was an intentional callback to the first episode by Jane Espeson, I wonder if the original was foreshadowing, or if it just happened to work out that way.

Also, this year at Comic-Con, Nicholas Brendon did the Snoopy dance for us. It was amazing.

(Originally posted on 9/9/12 on Neopets.com)

5.18 "intervention", buffy the vampire slayer, xander, btvs season five, 5.03 "the replacement", jane espenson

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