Yes, Riley is a Lesbian

Dec 14, 2012 15:55

You know what I think would have been cool?

There's a scene in early 4.09 "Something Blue" where Riley is hanging up a poster for Sunnydale University's Lesbian Club.

I think Tara should have been there.

We don't meet her until the next episode, 4.10 "Hush", and it would have been a neat little tie-in/foreshadowing/sneak-peak/whatever, and then people probably wouldn't have noticed or something until they rewatched and that would have been so cool.

Tara's pretty important right off the bat, which is fine, but I always love characters that start off small. Riley was given a few small appearances for a while before he became important, even though he was always going to be important. Jonathan was credited as "Student" for a while before he became very important, which I think is pretty much the coolest thing ever.

I really do wish Tara had gotten a little background shot or something in "Something Blue" now. That would have been awesome.

You know, it isn't too late now! They could go back in digitally add her in to the scene! It'd be like they did to Star Wars, only not horrible!

tara, btvs season four, foreshadowing, 4.09 "something blue", just saying, riley, lgbtqqiaapf, tillow, 2.04 "inca mummy girl", the 'w' word, 4.10 "hush", jonathan, willow, 4.01 "the freshman"

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