Nomination Time Again

Aug 20, 2015 13:37

Fun fact: I'm still alive.

And I've been nominated for more stuff.

Maybe at some point I'll start using this for more than announcing that I've been nominated for stuff. Who knows.

Normally I prefer to just put up a post like this (though sometimes I don't even do that) and then if people wanna read, they read, and if they wanna vote, they can vote.

This time, however, I'm telling you. Vote for me

All the banners for the round feature Harmony. I have the only Harmony fic nominated. I think it's obvious who deserves those awards most.

Story: Wrong Number
Categories: Best Angst, Best Gen Fic, Best Quickie Fic

Also at the Sunnydale Memorial Awards:

Story: Hunter's Moon
Categories: Best Pairing Conventional, Best Post-Series Fic, Best Quickie Fic

And Wrong Number was also nominated at the No Rest for the Wicked Awards.

Categories: I Will Remember You (best angst), That Old Gang Of Mine (best gen)

fanfiction, harmony, awards and nominations

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