Sexy Sea Serpent Attack! (Chomp.)

Feb 10, 2013 18:25

Okay. So… Aluwyn is a sea serpent? I thought she was a rattle snake!

I mean, okay, she’s a trickster lamia witch goddess, so there isn’t really a reason she can’t be both but… huh.

It just seems weird, I guess.

Anyway, lately I’ve been trying to figure out why it is that I totally like Aluwyn. She’s one of the first really prominent comic-origin characters that I really enjoy having around. Don’t get me wrong, I adore Betta George and Edna kicks some serious ass, but I totally dig Aluwyn.

And a part of figuring out what I like about Aluwyn is kind of figuring out why I so strongly dislike Kennedy.

I’m a little loath to say it, but to some extent I do think that some of my resentment towards Kennedy stems from the sole fact that she’s not Tara.

I love Tara. A lot. She’s one of my favourite characters in the series (I may as well just label her as my second favourite character, period) and she easily is one of my favourite fictional characters, full stop. So, yeah, maybe I resent Kennedy for taking her place. But Aluwyn is doing the same thing, and I’m not pissed with her.

Nor, for that matter, have I ever thought that Oz was an unsuitable partner for Willow.

So, does this mean I’m actually not as shallow as I thought I was?


But, what is it that makes Aluwyn, in my mind, such a better match for Willow?

A part of it, I think, comes from the fact that I have never, at any point, felt that Aluwyn does not respect Willow. I mean, she’s a trickster by nature, and sometimes she speaks only in half-truths, but at the end of the day, I’ve always felt that she respects Willow’s choices.

Kennedy does a lot of lying (straight-up lies, too) and I often felt that Willow was being disrespected. Kennedy would not give up her pursuit of Willow, no matter how many times Willow turned her down.

I know it’s supposed to be romantic, but… it just comes across as disrespectful to me. I mean, Kennedy cheats her way into Willow’s bed, lies to get her on a date, and seems generally dismissive of Willow’s friends, as well as Tara.

Aluwyn does ask Willow to spend time with her instead of her friends, but when Willow choses her friends instead, Aluwyn respects that.

So, yeah. Even though Kennedy and Aluwyn are both very different from Tara, I still think Aluwyn is a better choice.

(I still just wish Tara would come back, though.)

tara, buffy the vampire slayer, kennedy, aluwyn, tillow, oz, btvs season eight, btvs season seven, willow, shipping, 1.04 "wonderland part three", btvs season nine

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