regarding wanting a comishratbatApril 8 2006, 21:06:20 UTC
I had to raise my prices since my last commision. so this is either gunna be realy expensive, or really cheap depending on your level of income. full color stuff with full background is now 225$, charecters with half backgrounds full color are 175$ and reasonably detailed black n white stuff is 100$. ill give you the hi resolution finished file so you can do what you will print wise with it, and its also possible to get the origional paper sketch as well. (its possible to get 2 charecters per pic). one last thing, dont send me any money if your on a deadline, my last comish took about 4 months because i was stupid and started playing world of warcraft. if this message has not deterred you, go ahead n reply back with a full description if you like n ill give you some aditional info to get started.
this is what i wrote to a potential other person. i dont want you to think im price rapeing you, but this is still cheaper comparitivly from the higher end artists like khyote and goldenwolf, but you can be assured this time itl come with a background and im more preppared. otherwise, im really content to not do commisions at all untill next year.. but sadly my car will es'plode if i dont take someones money... -chris
this is what i wrote to a potential other person. i dont want you to think im price rapeing you, but this is still cheaper comparitivly from the higher end artists like khyote and goldenwolf, but you can be assured this time itl come with a background and im more preppared. otherwise, im really content to not do commisions at all untill next year.. but sadly my car will es'plode if i dont take someones money...
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