2 SnowmobiLe accidents I guess just wasnt enough for me!

Dec 12, 2005 17:54

Here we go again! As if the other two accidents ive been in on my snowmobile werent enough! This weekend I experienced the worst pain I've ever been in, in my whole life...all because fast is never fast enough for me on a snowmobile~ Me, Colt, and Bobby head out around 9 o'clock at night to go snowmobiling! Were riding all over the place, hit'n jumps, tear'n ass throught the powerlines...couldnt have picked a more perfect night to tear some trails up for hours on end. Right after we shut the sleds off and take a 10 minute break to let the sleds cool down, I talk the guys into riding just a little bit more! Way to go ME!! I'm jump'n snow-banks, Colts kill'n jumps, things couldnt get no better! Thats what I thought anyways! I decide to rip ass through a field doing about 80mph, when out of know where I see a cable wire right in front of me *the ones that connect from the telephone poles, and cement into the ground* it was to close to try to avoid hitting it. I slammed on the brakes but only slowed down about 15- 20 mph...hit the wire head on doing 60mph, my body flew off the snowmobile, my helmet some how got ripped off my head when i was in the air, my snowmobile wrapped all the way around the cable wire, my body flew about 15 feet behind my snowmobile....I couldnt move, walk, talk....Ive never been so scared, nor in so much pain, in my lifetime! How im living, i'll never know...I came out of the accident with a bloddy nose, concusion, pulled muscles everywhere, badly bruised ribs, my right leg was completely swelled up, i have bad burns and bruises from the wire where my leg hit it~ Couldnt walk, dress my self, lift up either one of my arms...nothing! Missed my pageant Sunday, had to crawl up and down stairs on my but, and have been doped up on NICE PAIN KILLERS since it happened. Vicodin is the shit! well, thats my update, the next time I get my ass on a snowmobile?! Tomorrow....~LOL~ The day I quit snowmobiling....will be the day I die! <3 you all...stay saFe!
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