I think Michael wants to hand Whistler over on his own terms in a situation where he can control the environment.
I think Whistler was faking the ankle break.
We know why McGrady was in based on the visitiation videos on the website, but I'm not sure if it was ever featured on the show. From what I remember it was for breaking into a car.
I think taking more than just three oxygen tanks was a sensible precaution. One could be damaged, Lincoln knows of Michael's stay picking tendencies ect...
Ok, does Sona not make sense to anyone else? If the guards can get in and control the prisoners like that, why don’t they just retake the whole prison?
IMO Sona has never made much sense :) But I'll fanwank that if they had people stationed in permanently they would be easier to kill for the inmates if the inmates really are that violent. They might think it's just not worth the bother/it's cheaper to just do it all from the outside.
BTW, I realize that that it's an unpopular opinion, but, I'm glad that they didn't end it with a happy ending in season 2. IMO it would have been too neat. To me, at this point Michael didn't really deserve to have a happy ending, because what he did WAS criminal and what he did did cause many people their lives (T-Bag's victims).
I agree that it would have been too neat of an ending, but I don't think that we can blame him for T-bag. I'm of the opinion that Justice is of utmost importance, and executing someone for crimes they didn't commit is, in my eyes, far worse than letting a true criminal go. For one thing, and this is definitely the case in T-bag's case, most true criminals will commit crime again, which gives you more chances to catch them and throw down the glove of Justice on them again. You don't get a second chance to exonerate someone after they've been executed.
I do feel for T-bag's victims... But in the end, their deaths are not on Michael's hands, but on those of the Company. And even more unfortunately, they are mere drops in a bucket with all of the other murders committed in its name.
For me, it's a question of priorities. IMO, if Michael had released T-Bag and then dropped everything and searched high and low for T-Bag once he realized that T-Bag had survived his chopped off hand then I would have been okay with it and been with Michael all the way. But the way Michael seemed to care more about about anything else just made him look like somebody very shallow who didn't care about the dead bodies strewn in his path. I was so, so, so happy that in the previous story we had Sucre talking about Michael never really forgave himself for letting the T-Bag kind of people out of Fox River, something I think really had to be said and covered by the show
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I won't continue after this (at least in this particular vein), but I have to say that Michael had no choice but to bring T-bag along. Unlike in Sona, he had a very tightly planned method for escaping, and there was little room for error. T-bag stood between him and his escape--and saving someone who was innocent from the death penalty. Maybe there was a way to ditch T-bag in the escape, but would Michael have been able to come up with it execute it while still keeping everything else in alignment? Even after the escape, he still had an obligation to try to continue on his original path, as capture would have been worse than never escaping at all, and would STILL have ended up in innocent death. Michael had to make a choice. The CHANCE that innocent people would die at T-bag's hand, or the CERTAINTY that an innocent person--who happened to be his brother--would die. The choice is, and was, clear to him. He will probably always feel guilty, but part of that is because he has the capability of feeling guilt, which separates him
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Sona, he had a very tightly planned method for escaping, and there was little room for error. T-bag stood between him and his escape--and saving someone who was innocent from the death penalty.
He could have killed T-Bag when they were on the run, when Mahone cut off his hand. He could have had Abruzzi really kill him. He could have killed him any time they met. He could have tied him up and made sure the police finds him. He could have called a tip line and tried to leave any info he had on T-Bag. He could have done more. He could have shown he cared more. Maybe if he hadn't been so busy making sure he could pacify his ladylove or collect his money he could have invested some energy on saving the lives of innocent people and keeping himself from loading more guilt on his shoulders.
He picked his priorites, which is his right and understandable, but he still put guilt on his shoulders.
Also, are we going to pretend that Sara would not have died had she stayed out of the escape? It was not exactly a secret that Michael felt for her
( ... )
Hrm. That's an interesting take on things. While I don't really agree, if I kind of squint and tilt my head to one side, it could work as justification of what they've put Michael through this season.
I don't think that it had to be this way (alternatives would have been Lincoln dying or Sara dumping Michael and not forgving him), but I really do think that Michael had to lose something (and no, dad he just met five minutes ago does not count).
He just acted way to blasé about everything company related and he was all set to let the company to continue to go on being evil as long as he could ride off into the sunset with his money even after they killed LJ's mom and Veronica and Michael barely blinked.
And it would have been way too much "Boy commits a crime and get rewarded for all the chaos he caused". And judging by Michael's own words (when he told Whistler that if hadn't been for the company taking LJ and Sara he would never have wanted to break out of Sona and would have wanted to stay in for his crimes) even he agrees that he deserved some blowback.
Well, considering that Susan just tried to go after them and potentially kill them all I think it's good strategy to want to control the exchange. After all Lincoln saw the three bodybags back during the first time when they were supposed to do the exchange. So both Michael and Lincoln know that Susan intends to kill the two of them and LJ once the exchange is done. So they have to go somewhere where they can ensure that they can make a getaway.
I think Whistler was faking the ankle break.
We know why McGrady was in based on the visitiation videos on the website, but I'm not sure if it was ever featured on the show. From what I remember it was for breaking into a car.
I think taking more than just three oxygen tanks was a sensible precaution. One could be damaged, Lincoln knows of Michael's stay picking tendencies ect...
Ok, does Sona not make sense to anyone else? If the guards can get in and control the prisoners like that, why don’t they just retake the whole prison?
IMO Sona has never made much sense :) But I'll fanwank that if they had people stationed in permanently they would be easier to kill for the inmates if the inmates really are that violent. They might think it's just not worth the bother/it's cheaper to just do it all from the outside.
I do feel for T-bag's victims... But in the end, their deaths are not on Michael's hands, but on those of the Company. And even more unfortunately, they are mere drops in a bucket with all of the other murders committed in its name.
He could have killed T-Bag when they were on the run, when Mahone cut off his hand. He could have had Abruzzi really kill him. He could have killed him any time they met. He could have tied him up and made sure the police finds him. He could have called a tip line and tried to leave any info he had on T-Bag. He could have done more. He could have shown he cared more. Maybe if he hadn't been so busy making sure he could pacify his ladylove or collect his money he could have invested some energy on saving the lives of innocent people and keeping himself from loading more guilt on his shoulders.
He picked his priorites, which is his right and understandable, but he still put guilt on his shoulders.
Also, are we going to pretend that Sara would not have died had she stayed out of the escape? It was not exactly a secret that Michael felt for her ( ... )
I will have to think more on this...
He just acted way to blasé about everything company related and he was all set to let the company to continue to go on being evil as long as he could ride off into the sunset with his money even after they killed LJ's mom and Veronica and Michael barely blinked.
And it would have been way too much "Boy commits a crime and get rewarded for all the chaos he caused". And judging by Michael's own words (when he told Whistler that if hadn't been for the company taking LJ and Sara he would never have wanted to break out of Sona and would have wanted to stay in for his crimes) even he agrees that he deserved some blowback.
Hrm. Probably, but I think Michael needs to learn how to let things go a little.
Good point about the oxygen tanks. I was wondering if it was just for precaution...
It's true about Sona, it doesn't make much sense. I guess I just have to suspend my belief and accept it for what it is...
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