Greetings inmates! Here's a look at what the newly-revamped
foxriver_fic has in store for you. Check out what's going on and see what you'd like to participate in!
We'll post more detailed info on each activity when we start the activities or when we post looking for volunteers, but for now here's a quick idea of some things we're planning:
Mod Challenge - issued the 1st of every month - everyone can write and respond. Writers post links or drabbles answering the challenge in the comments. Responses are rounded up at the end of the month.
Bone Yard Challenge - Anonymous PWP (smut) drabble/short fic competition - On the 7th of month the two pairings and prompts will be announced (one het, one slash). Entries are emailed until the 28th to the mod who collects them and then reposts them anonymously on the 29th. The responses must be short enough to fit in the comments. A voting poll is put up from the 29th to the 5th of the next month and readers vote on the steamiest PWP. Winners are posted on the 6th, and a new Bone Yard Challenge with two new pairs/prompts is posted on the 7th.
Devil's Advocate - Discussion - On the 10th of each month, one volunteer leads a discussion on a PB related topic. Can be controversial or not, but will hopefully be thought-provoking and stir discussion.
Convict Challenges - On the 14th of each month, we'll start a thread asking members to throw out their own challenges. Writers post links or drabbles answering the challenge in the comments. The stories that result will also be rounded up after a month.
Meta - 18th of the month - Mod led discussion about writing and reading fan-fic. Everyone participates in the discussion.
Guest Editorials - On the 21st of each month, a volunteer leads a discussion on writing or reading fiction. This can be a one-time thing or a series of posts. Com members can comment and engage in discussion with the “Editor” and one another.
Critique - 28th of month - A volunteer submits a short piece of fiction and is paired with another person who volunteers to lead a critique on the piece. All com members participate in the discussion.
Beta Round-Up - middle of month - who is offering to beta, who would like to offer.
Rap Sheet - end of moth - wrap-up of com activities.
Drabble Detail - drabble tree challenge (every other Wednesday) One person is asked to begin the drabble tree by posting a drabble. Mods supply the prompt for the first drabble. People continue the tree by using the last word or phrase of the prior story to start their own drabble, also using the prompt. The branching drabbles are posted in the comments. More people then branch off from those new drabbles in the same way. The parameters can be altered.
Plot Bunny Thread - (every other Monday) - A post for people to throw out plot bunnies. Let's catch the new episode ideas!
Beta Requests - (every other Thursday) - A thread for people to post requests for beta help.
Episode Shakedown - (Fridays - to account for new episodes) - A volunteer each week will lead an episode related discussion. Can be old or new episodes and can be broad or focused on a particular topic. Episodes and their reviewers will be assigned ahead of time with a volunteer post, but everyone can join in the discussion.
One prompt/one hour - (Tuesday and one Weekend day) - writing exercises.
If you want to get your name in early for any of these activities, feel free to comment or contact Chanchito. We'll also be asking for volunteers when we make the initial posts for each activity.
And You can always throw out your resource requests, story searches, or announcements (pls see FAQ) at any time! Or start a new thread with discussion, Meta, or critique (author must be willing), etc. This is *your* com, we're just here to facilitate.
And hey! - wanna be a mod or permanent volunteer to help with any of these activities? It looks like fun, right? Sure it does ... volunteer ....
Ps. Please feel free to cross post this in any LJ or com that allows it! More inmates to play with is a good thing.