Announcement: Porn Battle Challenge

Jul 17, 2007 21:42

First, I want to apologize for neglecting all you wonderful people on this comm so much. Things have been rather hectic for me lately and they won't be getting much better any time soon, but I promise to make more of an effort to think of things that might inspire or interest you.

This past week, I was lucky enough to attend a fan convention in Vegas and participate in a number of fan fiction writing panels and exercises. I'm hoping maybe we can have some similar discussions here and I'll try and relay the topics of those panels to you so maybe you can benefit from my jet-lag. :)

For now, I'm throwing out a link to a different sort of challenge community-thingy I found out about at the con. It's called the Porn Battle and it's about inspiring porn in all fandoms. There are a number of Prison Break prompts out there that may inspire you.

Here's the link:

Porn Battle 4

If anyone has participated in the past Porn Battles, please feel free to let us in on any info about the experience. I figure anything that generates PB fic is a good thing. Also, we're kind of a small fandom, so it's nice to get our fandom out there and try and hook new viewers.

So go forth and do battle with your Prison Break Porn. Represent!


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