Jan 04, 2011 01:03
with the coming release of diablo 3 right on scedule for a timely release of 3 days after the end of time, I broke down and bought a "new" video card and power supply to so that my computer will have enough juice to run it comfortably without spending to much cash in the process (i.e rather than buying a whole new computer outright)
Big thinks to raeth for helping put them into my stupid xps dell which apparently is more difficult than it needs to be with wire/cable placement on the inside.
so now im running a geforce GTX 460 Galaxy, an a much more powerful powersupply to feed it its juice =p
First game i tested with the new card Starcraft 2 , wow what a diffrence, low graphics starcraft 2 plays like what is essentially warcraft 3 in space for those of you that dont know (for refrence warcraft 3 has the graphics of a brick, and then make it cartoony and even lower poly than it even needs to be.
With the graphics turned all on Ultra, which my new card does as its default for SC2 its SO SHINEY! explosions and lighting effects on every little guy, so much nicer althou I must say its slightly more distracting with the massed up grahpics ill have to get use to it i guess or turn it down whenever i play ladder games if it gets to be too distracting for me =p
Oh well Diablo 3 will be out soon, and by soon i mean shortly after I die of oldage I cant wait to play my monk =3