Yeah so I said I wouldn't be on LJ for the next while, and I meant it. But obviously I lied a little bit. I'm here, and I intend on disappearing again for two more weeks. Then exams will start and I'll have a bit more time to procrastinate :)
But I was tagged, and how could I pass that up???
So without further ado, the story of my name.
Actually, there *is* kind of a story. When I lived in residence in 1st year I had
gnavitas and L and M over to my place for the night. I broke rules to do that because a) it was during exams and b) we weren't allowed to have more than two people at a time. But nobody else on my floor was around, so I figured even if we were noisy (we weren't) we wouldn't disturb anyone. Except maybe the ghosts of South residence, if there are any.
Anyway. We stayed up late. We giggled a lot. And at one point, long after many stories had been shared, many words mangled, and many fits of laughter ensued, we decided to watch this video that M had been emailed. It was a joke thing, something about 'Hamlet...translated to Leet'. For those that don't know, leet is computer geek language. An example sentence, 'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' in leet looks like so:
Teh kw1k br0wn f0x (or ph0x), jumpt ov3r teh laiz3 d4wg
And more to the point, wikipedia has this to say about the addition of 'zor' and 'xor' suffixes:
The suffix -(x)xor (also -zor, or other variations thereof) can be used like the standard English -er and -or, in order to derive an
agent noun from a verb. Examples includes pwnzor and haxxor, meaning one who
pwns or
hacks, respectively.
"Xxor","zor", "zorzz", and "xxorxx" are also superlatives. They put the word they are modifying to a higher degree of intensity.
So Hamlet, translated into leet, had all kinds of hilarious lines. And at one point, I think either when Ophelia died or at the end when EVERYONE died, Hamlet just blinks and goes "Fuxor."
So M turns to me a little while later, after laughing fits have died down and conversation has resumed, and he says "Yeah, well Lauren's a fox. She's a FOXOR."
Hence a nickname was born.
Hmm. Um, I tag Sper (defect_4), and I tag sleeplessscribe (though I dunno if he is around at all these days) and I think that pretty much covers the non-obvious people on my list that I haven't read about already.