(no subject)

Jul 10, 2006 22:22

1.Look at your right side. What do you see? I see the backing of a computer screen. :D lol

2.Look at left. What did you see this time? I see a bathroom with the door and light on. o_o

3.In what mood are you? Tell me about your feelings. Most likely worried about college and what will become of it once I'm in it. XD

4.What will you do after this test? Probably space out like I usually do. It's a good hobby. Try it.

5. Describe you in only 3 words. Nice,Silly,Hyper. LOL

6.About what was your latest dream you remember? I really cant remember to be honest. -.-

7.What do you think about this test? It's nice. XD Not to hard to answer. ;o

8. Latest full cd you've listened to? CD's? What are CD's? o_o;; lol

9.Latest full movie you've watched? Click! :D

10.Latest person who makes you smile? I would say Sexy kitty Jennifer. :3

11.Latest person who makes you cry? My mother saying stupid things. >>;; TMI

12. Describe your feelings like a color. What color are they? I would say... White. Nothing. lol I got it like that.

13. Do you remember latest kiss? And who did you kiss? I'm going to have to say Jennifer and some tongue hockey going on there. Yea.. :P lol

14.Are you in love with someone? Of course. :3 Love = Good stuff. lol

15. Do you miss people that are far away from you? Of course. Friends that I've met irl. =3

16. What's your biggest dream? I would say to have a nice family with a good surrounding for them. Just in general being happy with what I have. You know. The american dream maybe? lol Working myself to death. xD Woot!

17. What do you want to say now? I'm hungry. :D

18.Tag 6 buddies. YOU KNOW THE MOTHER $%@#$%# DRILL! The first 6 to actually read my retarded journal has to do it. That simple. :P lol
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