Long time comming :D

Aug 11, 2008 08:47

Well I think it's time to write an update post.. I have no idea when the last time I posted on this was so why not start again now? :P
Simply put I've made a lot of bad choices and decisions as of late, hurt someone close to me a lot and I feel bad about it all >.>
I still think I made the right choice for the long term for me but I really hate hurting people. Anyway enough of that.. Been putting the word out looking for new places to live and have had 3 responses now so should be organizing to have a look at them soon but if anyone else in Brisbane knows of a room up for rent feel free to let me know? <3

My laptop also decided to die the other night.. as many of you know it already had a big crack in the screen but now I have around a one inch square of visible screen and the rest is rainbow fuzz which moves when you touch it :P I really shouldn't play with it xD
My motorbike has also been playing up as it does not like to start at all on cold days and idles way too high which means more money to get it fixed :P but this time I am looking at getting it fixed and moving onto a new bike because I'd like a comfy seat for once and a reliable bike again which can handle a passengers weight nicely :3

So my priorities are 1: find new place to live, 2: get a new motorcycle, 3: get a new laptop and 4: possibly get a new better paying job to fund it all :P
I love my job to bits but to be honest it doesn't pay very well and I've noticed it from the amount of people who leave our office within two weeks of working there :P Awesome people there though.. like the boss who plays cricket in the hallway xD

Uni is going very well, finished the last semester in the top 10% of students and got offered an invitation to some golden key honours society which sounds pretty cool and has some ceremony thingy for it in a month or so :3 With the crap that went on last semester (like me missing a mid semester exam and just scraping a pass grade with another exam because I was a bit upset over Cameron :P) I'm glad I came out with a good grade :D
Also this semester I am going to be tutoring some master students in a new computer language which should be some fun work on top of everything else :P

oooh I also built my own DDR pad.. images to come and I'll post once they're all online! It looks so very awesome ^.^
On that note we have also all been skating lots so I decided to get some awesome skates of my own :D http://www.slalomskates.co.uk/seba-skates-fr-one.php they are so sexy! :P
TO make them even more awesome I wired in some blue underglow LED's which shine onto the wheels ;) yes.. I pimped my skates.. but it is sooo worth it :P

I think that is all I'm going to be able to type for now :P have a meeting in 5 minutes xD *runs off*
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