Weekly TV wrap-up.

Aug 28, 2010 00:51

Spoilers ahoy! Cutting for those of you who haven't watched those DVR'd episodes yet...

True Blood: Tara! What the hell, kissing Jason? For a second there I thought a little bow-chicka-bow-bow action was a-brewin', but no. One thing I did like was that Tara didn't go off on one of her profanity filled rages after she find out about Jason shooting Eggs. 'Cause honestly? I've had enough of those.

I continue to love Jessica, and I want her back with Hoyt. Eric continues to be blond Swedish hotness on a 6'4" stick. Bill continues to be boring. Sam and Tara need to get back together, dammit. In other news, Jason's new love interest looks pretty friggin' skeevy. Lafayette! Is Lafayette a voodoo priest and never knew it??? A shaman? A hoodoo love god? Not sure about Jesus, I keep thinking everything's not as it seems with him. Hmmm.

Mad Men: Sally. Oh my sweet Lord, that poor broken little child. I remember Ilya Kuryakin (David McCallum, aka Ducky on NCIS, for you youngsters out there) being teh hotness back in the day; did any of my friends touch themselves while watching him on TV??? Yikes.

When Grandpa Gene arrived on the scene last season, I thought he was creepy. I kept expecting something horrible to happen to Sally, but we never saw it. He groped Betty's boob, and I just knew there were secrets there. I am now convinced that something did indeed occur, and we're only getting the story now. Creepy Grandpa Gene continues to creep and skeeve from beyond the grave. Aiiiiii! Betty is about two unpleasant surprises away from killing her family while they sleep, and I'm betting her Papa Gene was a little handsy when she was growing up too. Ye gods.

Also, I'm beyond tired of consumer testing woman (why I can't think of her title is escapes me)...and now we find out she's not married after all. Hooray! Another skeevy hook-up for Don! His philandering is getting beyond tiresome, honestly. It shouldn't be what defines him, and they're skating close to that edge this season, at least for me.

The show continues to be fabulous, however.

Favorite scene of the episode (besides the brief flash of Ilya, mentioned above): Peggy riding the Honda scooter around in circles on that empty set. The mad men behind this show are geniuses.

Hawthorne: Hmmmm. Christina's pregnant! BWHAHAHAHA! I knew it. But! She and Dr. Tom realized that yes, they're in love and can't live without each other. Gotta say though, that I'm a bit disappointed that Dr. Erin didn't go on a blood-soaked rampage when Tom rebuffed her advances. I thought she was honestly going to turn out to be completely nuts, but she's only very slightly squirrely...unless they're saving some of that crazy for next season. Hooray!

Not happy to see a character injured, but I *am* hoping that Candy's burns mean that she's leaving the show. She and Ray are the weakest links for me, so I'm hoping that he'll quit to help her convalescence, and then they'll both be off the show. Hooray! Please don't wake me from that dream...

So, English McDreamy turns out to come from a crime family family. Wuh? Okay, whatever. I thought it would be a bit juicier than that! I thought he'd turn out to be a brilliant pretender who never finished med school and wasn't really a doctor! The TV gods continue to thwart my (admittedly cliche) genius ideas. Why they hatin'?

Project Runway: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! It's probably bad karma to laugh at the losing team, but I don't care. I think we've all seen this on reality TV before; the cool kids band together, full of supreme confidence that The Hand of God has blessed them and they are immune to bad things. And then it's the mother of all surprises when the little band of freaks and geeks kick their teeth in.

Was that losing collection a hot mess or what!? Even though the winning collection wasn't as cohesive as it could have been, their individual looks trounced *everything* the cool kids produced. What a Godawful mess. Peach's blue skirt was...interesting. The whole look was interesting. Casanova's blouse was gorgeous! I'm glad that he won.

The cool kids all needed to be taken down a peg (especially considering the way they dogged Michael C. last week for his winning creation), and the judges certainly did that. Gretchen should have been sent home on principal alone. I could have kissed Tim Gunn when he walked in the green room and let the cool kids (and Gretchen, by extension), have it for letting her push them around. Tim Gunn, I so love you. It'll be interesting to see if any of them really learned anything from this disaster.

Eureka: Hooray! I love this show. Jack and Allison are cute as buttons together, and I'm glad that the exes turned out to be hallucinations. Love their kiss. Love Allison inviting herself for breakfast. Bow-chicka-bow-bow. Hooray! :-D I like Stark, and a beefy shirtless Stark was a nice surprise. ::purr:: Size 13 shoe. Just sayin'.

I'm confused though. If they're in an alternate timeline, why did Jack think that Stark couldn't be alive? Rather, that he had to be dead in this timeline too? Isn't that what makes an alternate timeline alternate? Just 'cause Stark vaporized in the real (prime?) timeline doesn't mean the same thing would have to happen in the new timeline. Maybe I missed something.

Is Jo really over Zane? If so, I say hooray! They were a weird fit and I never really bought them as a couple. She admitted that he never lets her forget that he's smarter than she is; who needs that kind of relationship? Call me weird, but I'd like to see her with Fargo. :-D If they bring back Taggart I will cry. Seriously, I hate that character and his horrible fake Australian accent makes me want to rip my skin off. UGH. Also, there's something creepy about him. Just...no.

And why is Zoe back to her blondish hair? The brown looked better!

It looks like the real timeline is going to be restored (possibly, probably). I swear to Jesus and His Dad that if they push a big red reset button on Jack and Allison's relationship I am going on a rampage. Meaning that I will pout and make rant-y entries in my LJ. There'd better not be some stupid "we'll lose all our knowledge of this timeline" hoohah, OR I SHALL BE VERY DISPLEASED. I may even be moved to write an angry email message. We'll see.

true blood, project runway, tv crit, eureka, mad men, hawthorne

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