Mar 10, 2008 23:50
five things you might not know about me. I expect to lose cool points almost immediately, and would be shocked if i didn't.
1. I have a collection of shirts with dubious and/or hilarious phrases on them, including that one that says 'I'M what Willis was talkin' about'. I am also officially the only person I know who thinks it's fucking hilarious.
2. I'm muzzy for the first 20 mins after waking up in the morning in which time I really shouldn't try and do... anything. I have been known to walk into walls, try to pee in the closet, and shave with my toothbrush.
3. I dream I can sing. Like, really good. Waking up is disappointing sometimes.
4. I may or may not like a few of the Bee Gees songs.
5. Collin never lets me forget that I may or may not like a few of the Bee Gees songs.