Wrote This Yesterday~

Jan 16, 2008 16:59

 Because we had no internetz last night, I couldn't post until now:

I would like to take the following opportunity to thank Austin for doing the following things for me today…

-Stealing my drink that I desperately needed to drink every few minutes so my throat wouldn’t hurt as badly as it does right now.

-Breaking my camera.

Yep. Austin, you frickin’ broke my camera!!

I was sitting there in the back of Ms. Fox’s room, gracing the children at the middle school with my presence at their little anime club meeting. I was showing Danielle a video on my camera. And Austin, for some reason, decided to start messing with the switch that switches from record to play/play to record. Later, I was showing Danielle another video… and the thing started freakishly switching from play to record to play to record to play. Just like how Austin switched the setting before.

And now it doesn’t turn on.

Well, it turns on… but nothing shows up on the screen. And the light on the top just flashes, green, red, green, red.



That makes me really emo.

And really pissed off at Austin, because he frickin’ broke one of my most prized possessions. Buy me a new one, bitch.

Right now… we have no internet connection or TV. So… there’s nothing to do in this house. It’s extremely boring here, and the only thing that makes it possible to enjoy being in this retarded place is the internet connection and TV.


So yeah, this’ll probably be a really long entry.

GAH. Internetz better be back by nine o’clock tonight!! Otherwise I’m gonna shoot Comcast. Nine o’clock is almost always when the Chinese scan of Inyourwasher is posted on Ikunlun. Niiine o’clock. I need internetz by then… D:

Seoijafoe, I’m so worried. I want to read the chapter sooo bad, but at the same time, I really really don’t want to, because I’m so afraid that Miroku’s gonna die. D: Donut die, madammm!

I’m really starting to get pissed off with people at school. Yesterday at lunch, Rebecca was talking to Arienna about people in her English class who were gossiping about Arienna… and then she turns to me, and says “And they were trash-talking you, too!!”

So I ask her what they said, and she says “I dunno… I was sitting there, working… and suddenly I hear someone say ‘Who? Rebecca??’ so I looked up, and then someone said ‘No, it was Jennifer Baxter.’” What the hell did I do?

So, I was really tempted to walk into Mr. Kaas’ room for fifth period, and go over to those people who are in my social studies class, and were talking crap about me and Arienna during third period, and ask

“So, what did I do? I heard from someone that I did something interesting… Unfortunately, I haven’t the slightest idea what I did! But apparently you do, so, why not enlighten me?”

But I didn’t.

I should have…

And then, as Austin and I were walking out to our busses today, I heard this guy Brandon say something about Rebecca… and someone says “Well, she’s stupid anyway.” Or something like that.

People need to get a life and stop talking shit about other people.

At least we have lives. :3

You know, I have a lot of mean things I could say about those people, but I don’t. Maybe I should…

Sounds like a good idea.

*gets started on a list*

So today during jazz band, we were playing Jump For Joy… when suddenly, I tasted blood in my mouth. Coming from the back of my throat, where it’s been hurting. So, I stopped playing, and looked at my reed, and it was red. Whatdafunk?

And I keep coughing. And during geometry, there actually was blood that came up. That also happened during German.

My mom gave me some medication a little while ago, but it only worked for about twelve seconds. And my head hurts whenever I move it. Buuu.

I feel as though I have failed.

A lot of times in my schooling life, I’ve gotten stuck next to the “bad” student of the class. Or a not-good student. Such as in sixth grade. For a while, I sat next to this guy in my class, Jonathan. When we first got that seating arrangement, Jonathan never did his work. Evar. Like, we did these book-conference-report things every trimester. And the first trimester, he did none. But once I started sitting near him, things started to change. I actually got him to do work. Real work~ And at the end of the second trimester, he came to me and said “Jennifer! I did three books this trimester!”. Which was a big improvement from the first trimester.

So anyway, I always manage to turn that ‘bad’ student or whatever into a good student. It happens all the time.

But now I feel as though I lose. D:

Because in geometry, this guy I sit across from, Justen, doesn’t accept my help or anything.

Mr. Duggan doesn’t explain things very well… he just gives us a formula, does an example problem on the board, and expects us to get the answers perfectly right for forever. Well, Justen doesn’t understand it when Mr. Duggan barely even explains it. So, there have been many days where he will just stand up, rip up his paper and throw it away because he’s so frustrated with it. In fact, we had a test last Thursday… he didn’t understand it… so he actually gave up on it.

Well, whenever I see him struggling, I offer to help him, but he won’t accept my help. : ( So that makes me sad.

He’s also planning on dropping out in a few weeks from what I hear. : ( I hate it when I have to watch people fail. Especially if I tried to help.


End entry…


In recent news...
My camera somehow fixed itself while I was sleeping... I love it when machines do that. Right before school, I sadly opened my camera to see if, by some chance, it was suddenly fixed, or that it was broken was all a bad dream or something. And I saw on the screen... THINGS! It had fixed itself!!
I went downstairs and showed my mom. And we both stared at it like :O. xD

And my throat feels somewhat bettar than it did yesterday. :D Which is really good, because it REALLY hurt yesterday.
In fact, I wasn't even supposed to go to school today. But I did anyway. >:D

D: I'm going to be sooo sad if Miroku dies in chapter 538. D: D: D:
And I'm going to be really mad for the next week, because he isn't even IN chapter 537! D:<
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