Long time no post...

Mar 18, 2008 00:07

Life's pretty awesome, if tough. I've been strugglin to get into community college, because the prices are too high. Not being a state resident sucks. But I'm finally in at least for this quarter. I should be able to make it for at least part of next year too, but with luck I'll be able to get a job.

This all made me realize I can't go to Bastyr anytime in the near future AT ALL, and my best bet is getting a practical degree that will at least net me a job in as short a time as possible. So I'm getting an AA in Graphic Design...after I swore I'd never get a career in art. :P

I don't need to be a big money-maker, at least not now. As long as I'm with Ryan, he'll be making more money than I will. I don't want to be relying on that duh, and I hate draining my parents' resources, but hopefully that will all change soon.

Anyways, I hate having to postpone/cancel getting a 4-year :( I want a quality education too. But I can't have it, not for a while. With luck this will get me at least an entry-level job where I can make money and save up. Hurr.

Other than that, I'm goin to Portland next week. Woopee! Gonna see my sister and her new twins, and my parents are visiting at the same time, and so awesome, we're spending it all with Allan. Yee!

I am very tired now. Here ends the update.
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