Jan 02, 2008 15:58
Whew. What a day so far!
I started Seattle Central CC today, only to find out the Financial Aid went massively FUBAR (much miscommunication...apparently...) and so I can't attend this quarter. It's better this way anyways...I need a full-time job pretty badly, because we're low on funds. This will also make me more of a commodity in the job world. What? Full-time job in a college town? Wow!
Then I find out that a $90 check for gas at the stevens house last month bounced (WHY? I have $500 in my account. I have consistently had that much in my account. >.<) and so I have to pay that out; but since I had counted it as paid, I hadn't budgeted for it.
Also, the internet at the stevens house won't shut off for a month so I have another $30 they're swiping.
I also found out that Bastyr lost its accreditation, but I don't think that's true...I don't see anything about it. Do you?
Oh well. Back to breaking my back double-time on my commission.