Oct 10, 2006 23:37
earlier i posted an entry saying i <3 rehersals...perhaps i should elaborate. we are doing the one act oldsaybrook, by woody allen. it is a really fun piece and i enjoy working with my fellow actors immensly. however, what i found utterly amusing was how i am now garunteed to be in a good mood on tuesdays and thursdays, despite them being my hell days. no longer will i have to storm off and begin ranting about how dirty my mouth feels from english, no longer will i have to wait for something to throw my heart into, and yes no longer will i have to annoy the same people with my ramblings^-^
as a cast we really work well together and i honestly can't wait for the show:)
in other news: yay im legal...and have been for two days now:) i spent the weekend with two really fun people who amuse me to no end, which is kind of self evident because a lot of things amuse me;p we watched iclaudius, which was fun because i had already seen it once so i could look for things to play with. sadly, iclaudius is rediculously long *around 11 hours*, so despite our best efforts, we needed sleep. for good or ill we were watching this glorious film in my friend's dorm, which meant sleeping in my friend's dorm. this wouldn't really be worthy of note except for all the fun you silly people will get out of scandle...navah spent the night sleeping in a man's bed woooooo...lol
after iclaudius, we chilled at te underground and i met my husband^-^ yes woody allen now has its own inside jokes...except no one who is in the play reads this journal...oh well. on my actual birtday i went out to red lobster wit my suitmates and made fun of the fact that all the lobsters were going to die^-^ it was even more fun when a little girl walked up to the tank, pointing to some fairly large lobsters, and declared to her mother "mommmy, the lobsters aren't moving". the down side to this weekend was that my sleep schedual got thrown off completly; however, my one concilation is that i had worked a head so i wasn't stressed about hw.
i really am happy here in binghamton. of course there are ups and downs, but over all i am happy i came. this is probably because i have recreated every single senerio from florida;p there are certain friends that make the bad classes worth wile and the one class i enjoy, i really enjoy. the campus is just so beautiful and i only wis everyone could be as lucky as i am to go to such a beautiful school. granted its a school with no security;p but its starting to feel like home.
p.s. kim jong-il please don't murder us...