Character name: Spitfire
Air Gear Age: 21
Canon: Canon and App contain SPOILERS for chapters 156-163
In a world where sky is only the beginning, Air Gear gives rise to heroes and villains, battling it out in the calm city nights in hopes of reaching the pinnacle of the Air Trecks world, Trophaeum Tower and the long sought after Sky Regalia hidden at it's peak. A place only the Kings of their world can only hope to conquer, the Tower is guarded jealously by the legendary Sleeping Forest team. To reach the Tower's peak, eight Kings of eight Roads are needed, lending their strength to the one who would be the Sky King.
A highly sought after hairstylist by day and the King of the Flame Road by night -- Spitfire is a commanding figure, controlling three A-T teams, and helping to organize and run one of the largest teams in Japan. As if anyone who runs the Flame Road could ever be completely straight, Spitfire is a delightful blend of flaming metrosexuality and a playful undercurrent of skirt-chasing. Intelligent, charismatic, and focused, he is completely capable of making an in-depth analysis of a situation followed by sudden, loud, and obvious statements of radically stupid capslock shonen-retardisms. He is quite invested in the lives of his teammates and is well aware of the limitations and deficiencies of his own body; having been injured severely in the past, he is far more limited in his sudden battles than most of the other characters. Quite passionate about his convictions and the world he lives in, he decides to pass on his Flame Regalia, selecting Mikura Kazuma shortly before losing his own life standing up for his beliefs.
Sample Entry:
I'm not sure whether it's a relief or not to learn that this place isn't actually hell. I never thought I was bound for heaven, so I had hoped for a third option -- and while I'm GLAD TO BE NOT DEAD, this isn't exactly what I would have selected. I was thinking of a more pleasant welcome, something with scantly clad beauties and fountains of flowing mead and as much NC-17 ratings as a man could ever dream. Instead I find a large assortment of rather unique wildlife that’s far too interested in getting acquainted with my person and not a single signpost or map indicating where I'm supposed to be setting up a salon. So, I may have miscalculated a little! There was some fine print after all, and I guess I could have been more thorough in my perusal of the contract rather than be blinded by a lady's sweet ... words.
Let's see what we have... Here we go. The undersigned does hereby give up all rights and privileges et cetera et cetera and does fully acknowledge and assent to the loss of privacy, dignity, and possibly chastity. That doesn't sound too promising, does it? Hold still, please. I don't want to snip the wrong thing if you keep wiggling around like that. These scissors are kept quite sharp. Ah, there's more. No sex, alcohol, leaving, tampons, and so on. It's no wonder they've put this all in fine print, NO ONE WOULD EVER COME HERE OTHERWISE. Oh, well, this one isn't so bad. At least there's a good medical service and a timely recovery of vital signs in the case of death. See addendum B… Note, that attempts to use this feature over the limit of 9000 times will result in therapy sessions and/or further disciplinary actions. Nope, I take it back; that's just disturbing. Do they honestly think that anyone would be fool enough to die that many times? Oh, gesundheit, sirs.
Ah, well, at least there are some other benefits to being in this place. Though this place is far from an ideal training facility, I'm hoping the rumor I've heard about them being here at least was not a lie. It would certainly ease my mind if I could work Kazu-kun a while longer before letting him run his own Road -- and while it may not seem such a great task, it is nice to know that my other talents will not be laid to rest here either.
Now then, let's see how this looks, shall we? I think the cut of the wig is just right for you, and the purple really does look dashing against your tentacles. No, I'm not lying. Yes, I really do think that. You'll be the absolute talk of the waterfront if you'll just hold still! I promise it looks fine! There, now you should do your best to keep it dry or the styling will fall out, and as much as I have enjoyed this time together, I don't look forward to many repeat visits -- or attempting to get these stains out of my pants. These jeans cost a small fortune.
Oh, and one last thing: if a group of irate gorillas comes by looking like they got mauled by a bout of rabid mange and a flame thrower, I DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT!
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