stbb fanmix for oxymoronic

Nov 11, 2009 18:26

Title: On A Day Like This
Fandom: Star Trek XI
Pairing: Kirk/McCoy
Length: ~42k.
Rating: NC-17 for sex.
Author: oxymoronic

startrekbigbang Woohoo! Finally! oxymoronic was amazing in that she wrote this fabulous story. Apparently I was allowed to make a fanmix for it (lolwut). This fanmix is actually two! There is a SOUNDTRACK and a MUSIC playlist, each with their own download link. The fanmix covers are from the beautiful art of acquiescence here.

please download the SOUNDTRACK here. [17/5/10]

the soundtrack actually follows quite closely to the story, I made it with the intention that as you're listening, you'll get to the parts in the story I quote. these songs are considered to be serious, in that each one was chosen for their lyrics or their actual sound.

Bad Girlfriend - Theory of a Deadman:

i look around and all I see is, no good, bad and ugly,
man she's hot and fixed to be, the future ex Miss Jim Kirk!

He sits up, burns his hand on a broken bulb and falls off the table he’s been sleeping on. Shipyard Bar is never classy, even at the best of times, and after the mess Jim made last night this hardly counts at the best of times; through the window, the seven-thirty gloom reflects off a million badly-chosen tacky vibrant choices in interior design.

Everybody Needs a Fence to Lean On - Headlights Headlights:

i am looking, lookin' for something
can't quite put my mind at ease
'cause i need to see, see an opening
take my arms in and bring
bring it together, make it warmer
all for me...

Jim walks out of the bathroom, biting down on a cleaning capsule, and shuts his mouth to let the foam explode inside. He spits in the sink and uses a handful of water to rinse his mouth out, and turns around to pump up the sound on the holofeed. It’s well after ten am, a good two hours since this year’s recruitment shuttle has left, and Jim’s head is foggy from too much sleep and the usual tinge of remorse.

9 Crimes - Damien Rice:

it's the wrong kind of place
to be thinking of you

It’s a good day’s ride, maybe more if he makes pit stops - but something about the set of his fists and the jumble of his head tells him he should just drive.

Today Has Been Okay - Emiliana Torrini:

wind has burned your skin
the lovely air so thin
the salty water's underneath your feet
no one's gone in vain
here is where you'll stay
'cause life has been insane but
today has been ok

“What about Vulcan?” he tries. “Their planet randomly gets destroyed - ”
“It didn’t randomly get destroyed,” the cadet interrupts, irritable, “it suffered a natural disaster. Even StarFleet says so.”
“You still think so? With that thing hanging over our head?”
The cadet’s eyes slide to meet Jim’s. “Yeah, but…” He groans, shaking his head. “Jesus, as much as you might actually be on to something, I’m damned if I like it.”

Blood Makes Noise - Suzanne Vega:

but blood makes noise
it's a ringing in my ear
blood makes noise
and I can't really hear you
in the thickening of fear

The shuttle’s not shaking as violently - though McCoy still has his eyes tight shut - so he unclips his harness, entering the cockpit. She flips a switch to her left as he walks in, activating the speakers; the airwaves are full of orders, shouting and confusion. Jim listens for a moment, trying to make sense of the noise, but it’s going too loud and too fast to even pick out a single word. The panic, though, is there. The shuttle itself is being piloted by an officer only a handful of years older than Jim, and between the three of them they hold a shocked silence at the chaotic sounds of the planet below.

Love Will Tear Us Apart - Susanna and the Magical Orchestra:

and resentment rides high
but emotions won't grow

The alien ship peels away from the planet. Then, slowly, with deathless accuracy and absolutely no warning at all, the Earth crumples into itself and is gone.... Static spills like breaking glass out of the speakers; in front of him, displayed on the viewscreen, the moon rotates forlornly a fraction more, lost without its planet, and slowly begins to drift into nothing.
“I wonder if they felt it,” Cassie says, softly. “I wonder if they felt it at all.”

Pioneers (M83 Remix) - Bloc Party:

go stick your bloody head in the jaws of the beast
we promised the world we'd tame it
what we're hoping for?

“I’ve got no clue,” Jim mutters. “And who died and made me captain anyway?”
Considering the whole planet just blew up, this isn’t a particularly sensitive comment. His mom’s been dead for the best part of two days, and it’s still sliding uneasily in his stomach, reminding him he hasn’t even thought about it yet.

Let Men Burn Stars - M83

They set off again, and they walk only a few steps when Bones grabs Jim’s arm sharply; Jim spins to look at him, a little irritated, but then there’s an ominous creaking snap under his feet and he freezes, heart hammering madly. Beneath him he can feel layers of ice separating and sliding apart, and he dashes backwards just in time to see from safe, solid ground a huge crack render through the floor, spreading two, three, four hundred feet in front of him. He lets out a long, low whistle, and Bones smacks him round the head.

The Lightening Strike: (i) What If This Storm Ends? | (ii) Sunlight Through the Flags | (iii) Daybreak - Snow Patrol

just for a minute
the silver forked sky
lit you up like a star
that I will follow

Jim protests loudly about this until, accompanied by Bones hitting him with something rather heavy, he realises resentfully it really is their only option. He grumbles and bitches as Bones drags him back onto the sled, gets a couple of smacks across the head for his effort and eventually settles still as Bones hitches the straps over his back and sets off again.

but every now and then the trend bucks
and you're repaired by more than glue

He startles as Bones’ fingers rest across his forehead, checking him for fever, and then press against his neck to find his pulse. They stop on the back of his hand for no reason whatsoever and stay there for a while; Jim can feel them trembling. Then they’re gone and Bones is sliding into his hammock, reaching out to flick off the torchlight.

Something was bound to go right sometime today
All these broken pieces fit together to make a perfect picture of us

“It works! Fuck me, it actually works!” Jim sprints forwards in the room; Scotty’s shaking his head in disbelief. “I mean, I’ll have to recalibrate the whole machine, which’ll take time, but…” Spock very nearly smiles, and looks at Jim. Scotty tugs Chekov and Jim to one side, and starts gesturing wildly, trying to explain.

Dirty Mind - Jeff Beck:

“Still,” he asks, softly, “you’re not doing this out of some fucked-up revenge, are you? ‘Cause that’s all kinds of wrong.”
Jim thinks about his parents - for his father, a valiant death was still, in the end, a death, no matter how many wings of children’s hospitals got named after him or medals got sent home. For his mother, well, it was just plain wrong. “Yeah,” he says, finally. “Yeah, it is revenge. It just happens to be saving the universe, too.”

Comin' Home - City and Colour:

but I'd rather wake up beside you and breathe that ol' familiar smell
I never thought you could leave me, I figured I was the one
I know that we're takin' chances, you told me life was a risk

Across the shuttle, Bones is staring at him with an oddly constipated expression. “Don’t - ” he starts, and his forehead crumples into a frown. “Don’t - die.”

Let's Talk About Spaceships - Say Hi to Your Mom:

let's talk about spaceships
or anything except you and me, okay?

“Jim!” Bones barks, and Jim starts, glancing wildly around for him. The voice is coming from a grille beside Scotty’s hand, and Scotty snaps it back as if stung, staring openmouthed. “Jim, that’s you, isn’t it? For God’s sake, don’t do anything stupid - ” Fifteen, fourteen, thirteen.
“Scotty,” Jim yells, “energise!”
“No,” Bones shouts, “Scotty, don’t - ”
Five, four, three.
Scotty hits the button and Jim’s gone.

Run This City - Jet Lag Gemini:

the spotlights will agree I am a show you've got to see

He shifts a little, tugging himself out of Jim, and only really succeeds in cementing himself further in the mess. He grimaces. To hell with it, Leonard, he tells himself sternly. For once in your life live a little.

please download the SOUNDTRACK here. [17/5/10]

please download the MUSIC here. [17/5/10]

the music mix, in contrast to the soundtrack, is of a much less serious nature. I really wanted to do character themed music as well, but seriously, I kept thinking about "I'm So Hood" in conjunction with Scotty. seriously, he would totally be hood, in that adorable "can-I-have-a-towel-oh-look-i-just-postulated-a-theory-and-it-worked-BITCH" way. and the "Bale Out" for Nero. seriously, how more perfect?! essentially, Jim, Bones and Winona are all legit songs, everyone else is just a barrel of monkeys.

yes, well. ehm. on to the music then? ;D

Burn it to the Ground - Nickelback: Jim
Satellite - BT: Winona
The World's Greatest - R. Kelly: Chekov
Heart in a Cage - Chris Thile: Bones
I'm So Hood - DJ Khaled: Scotty (can't you see scotty just bustin' this out with his aberdeen folk?)
Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny - Lemon Demon: Spock
Pick Me! In The Classroom - The Hermione Crookshanks Experience: Uhura (what? yeah, I did compare her to my favorite witch. you rock them smarts!)
Bale Out (Extended Mix) - RevoLucian: Nero (this romulan needs to take a chill pill; fo sho!)

please download the MUSIC here. [17/5/10]


(/) leonard 'bones' mccoy, (^) my life comes with a soundtrack, (&) those space gqmf's, (/) james t kirk

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