This is my first tutorial. I hope that you'll find it helpful and please let me know what you think!
So, this is the picture that I am going to use to demonstrate the tutorial and you may want to use it to practice. Before continuing, I recommend that you should have some knowledge of the tools and filters used in Photoshop. This tutorial should be rather easy if you’re familiar with the program’s functions. I will be using Photoshop CS3 to guide you. If you’re using an earlier version, it won’t make much difference. Much of everything is the same or similar.
1. Okay, the first thing you want to do is create a new layer and then select the “Elliptical Marquee” tool.
2. Use the tool to create a circular shape around the outside of the pupil, like this:
3. Now, make sure that white is set as your primary color because the next thing you need to do is right click on the inside of the circle and select “Fill…”.
Your picture should look like this:
4. Next, go to “Select”>Modify>Contract. For this picture, I think that 3 pixels is the ideal contraction number. After you click “OK”, you’ll notice that the circle has shrunk in size.
5. To ensure that the effect looks realistic, we’re going blur the layer so that the outcome is soft and somewhat subtle. To do this, go to “Filter”>Blur>Gaussian Blur. Set the radius to 3.3 pixels. Click “OK” and then, hit the “Delete” key.
6. Lastly, switch the layer from “Normal” to “Overlay”. Deselect. Here's the before and after; notice the difference. Cool, eh?
Just so you know....
Depending on the picture you're using, you can make the effect more or less obvious. Sometimes it looks better when it's more subtle and sometimes it looks better when it's bolder so play around, be creative!