Today. Was. AWESOME!

Jul 31, 2010 23:42

Today I had such a fucking awesome time that I simply have to update quickly with photos and share my squee.

You remember my Dr Who fic, yes? And my awesome GAYLORDS acronym, yes? Well. In the Music Valley area of Nashville, they have this:

And its the entrance to a complex of fucking ridiculous expensive looking hotels (the largest in America, at any rate) and I shit you not, the exterior has a lot of blue and metal to its structure. I think I pissed myself laughing for approximately five hours once I saw the sign and saw a glimpse of the hotel. xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Ok I left Nashville after my tour (in which I saw Nicole Kidman's Tennessee home, and it was fucking grand!) I drove to the town of Lynchburg, where the Jack Daniels Distillery lives. I was driving out of town when I saw this sign:

I fucking lost my shit. Seriously, you have no idea how loudly I squealed, pulled over and actually turned around so I could make sure I actually read it right. XDDD So I turned onto the road and then saw this sign, and could not believe what I was seeing, because how can the world contain so much awesome?

So I followed the highway, listening to my playlist of SPN soundtrack music and it was perfect in every. single. way. Eventually I arrived, parked just off the main square and lost my shit all over again. Not only did it have awesome signs, but it had an old style theatre as well! And a fucking courthouse to rival a major city!! IT WAS AWESOME!

But. The best part is what came next: I noticed a barbecue place just across from the cinema (which I apparently forgot to take pictures of?) and guess what it was fucking called.

That's right. Motherfucking restaurant named "John's BBQ" in the middle of fucking Winchester. I thought I was going to die. SO. MUCH. WIN!!

The inside was pretty amazing - a collection of old American memorabilia, like Elvis/Beatles posters and sign posts and stuff. I sat there for a long time just smiling and giggling to myself like a crazy person until I got fic-spiration and one of the waiters gave me the rest of his notepad and I began writing that spn fic I was supposed to start back at Christmas. xD; but this was just too perfect an opportunity to miss, and ohmygod it was so awesome. One of the ladies serving figured I wasn't from around there, and when I asked to buy one of their shirts, she gave it to me for free.


Today was pretty much fucking perfect ♥
Tennessee, you are by far my favourite state in the entire USA. Oh god I love it here so much ♥ ♥ ♥

oh my life, fangirl, squeegasmic, food delicious food, supernatural is made of superwin, travel, awesomeness, picspam, happy happy joy joy

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