Merlin Season Two: In Review (Part 2)

Jan 16, 2010 16:11

I shall now continue on from my previous post reviewing Merlin: Season Two.

Where did it all go so wrong? )

rant, haterade, merlin reaction, review

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Re: Reply Part 2 a8c_sock January 19 2010, 19:12:21 UTC
I missed them so much this season too. I also feel that it would have been nice to see them drifting apart instead of them just suddenly ... apart.

Yes what on earth was with that? One minute they were BFF the next Morgana is snapping at Gwen.

This is true, and it raises the issue of where the hell did Morgana's powers go?!?!

The blackhole of good plotlines? Seriously I just wanted a hint somewhere in the other 10 episodes.

Now I think about it I wonder if it might not have been itneresting to have Morgause be a part of that. Subtly perhaps. But I guess she'll be schooling Morgana now...

Sadly we got something very far from this, but again, I think it has more to do with how this season was handled, rather than any single thing that could have been done to make it better.

*nods* Yes it was probaly due to a lot of different factors.

So killing him would give a nice thing called "motivation" that Morgana sort of seems to be lacking, for her level of intensity of hatred.

Exactly. And it's not like they haven't killed off the bad guy before. As it is Morgana wants Uther dead because he...imprisioned some skeevy guy who would have seen Arthur dead. Honestly. I think the showdown would have been far more interesting post-execution. But I guess then we wouldn;t have seen Morgana betray Camelot by helping Alvarr escape.

Also how is it these sorcerers never escape? I mean Melrin showed it could be done in 2x01. And why the long imprisionment for Alvarr? Why not a simple execution immediately?

I am overthinking this I feel.

So I wonder if they are going to do that, or if Freya will just be the Lady who returns Excalibur to Arthur? And it's some other woman Merlin falls in love with that imprisons him?

I hope for the former really. I don't want the sweet little love they had to end with Freya being all vengeful and betraying Merlin and imprisioning him. I see their relationship more like a sweet summer romance.

And I still want to know - is she going to be a ghost? An underwater Bastet? what?

[should I keep holding out for hope of some Merlin/Morgana enchanted showdown!??!?!]

I'm holding out for that!

But I would like to hope she was seeing faaaaaaaar into the future, instead of like, the next day. Which is kind of the feeling I got (and I doubt all would be well in Camelot after only one day. More awkward and tense, if nothing else).

I was thinking that that end scene was her looking foward in time until just before 2x12. It is the only way it mkes sense I feel. I think it woukd have taken awhile for things to get back to normal. Which is why I think it was good to not have much Uther and Arthur interaction in 2x09 and for Uther to be frustrated with Arthur in 2x10.


Re: Reply Part 2 foxie_trot January 22 2010, 10:52:45 UTC
The blackhole of good plotlines? Seriously I just wanted a hint somewhere in the other 10 episodes.

I bloody reckon. It seems thats where all the good things have gone, including continuity. Why is it so impossible to hint at something throughout the remainder of the show? It doesn't have to detract from the main point either! Just five seconds, geez!

[Then again, this show doesn't do subtle. Ever.]

I guess then we wouldn;t have seen Morgana betray Camelot by helping Alvarr escape.

This is true. But you know what I would have liked best? Is if Morgana had helped him escape, but then he was killed just before he got out of Camelot. Because then that would have been extra great - we would have gotten her betraying the King, and then a complete motivation for her to want to kill him. Again.

And why the long imprisionment for Alvarr? Why not a simple execution immediately?

This show and it's non-logic. It doesn't like it when you think.

I see their relationship more like a sweet summer romance.

Same. It's so cute, it would really cheapen their brief romance [even more so] if they suddenly had Freya want to betray Merlin as well. I mean, by that point surely everything and everyone Merlin knows will be against him, so why add Freya into that mix also?

And I still want to know - is she going to be a ghost?

I HAVE NO IDEA. But it's driving me nuts. Though I think it would have to be some sort of spirte, possibly with fairy magic or something, since she's buried at Avalon's front door, practically.

I was thinking that that end scene was her looking foward in time until just before 2x12. It is the only way it mkes sense I feel.

I'll run with your head-canon, because it would make a little more sense (maybe her Old English would make a time indication slightly more clear?)

I was thinking that that end scene was her looking foward in time until just before 2x12. It is the only way it mkes sense I feel.

This I also agree with. It at least gives some believability to the fact that 2x08 actually happened, and the show isn't just dropped the episodes as soon as they release them.


Re: Reply Part 2 a8c_sock January 23 2010, 08:12:14 UTC
Why is it so impossible to hint at something throughout the remainder of the show? It doesn't have to detract from the main point either! Just five seconds, geez!

I know. It really wouldn't take much just something small, a hint as you say and yet they don't seem capable of it.

[Then again, this show doesn't do subtle. Ever.]

In the dictionary one of the definitions for subtle is:
Not to be found in Merlin.

we would have gotten her betraying the King, and then a complete motivation for her to want to kill him. Again.

That would have been sooo much better! You need to be writing this show. As you say it accomplishes the betrayal and gives a better motivsation. And we wouldn't have to worry about Alvarr reappearing. Win win.

It doesn't like it when you think.

Sadly it doesn't.

It's so cute, it would really cheapen their brief romance [even more so] if they suddenly had Freya want to betray Merlin as well.

It would. And I think Freya just wants the best for Merlin. She risked everything by running away without telling him because she knew it was his place to stay in Camelot and he wouldn't have much of a life on the run with her. His dream was impossible nad she knew that. At least that's how I choose to interpret it, not that she didn't want Merlin to know the truth about her.

And yes we can't have everyone bettryaing Merlin. He doesn't deserve that.

But it's driving me nuts. Though I think it would have to be some sort of spirte, possibly with fairy magic or something,

Me too! Sprite would make sense, as you say she is right there in Avalon. I really fear for the way Johnny 'epic romance' Capps might bring her back.

I'll run with your head-canon, because it would make a little more sense (maybe her Old English would make a time indication slightly more clear?)

I like to try and make sense. It might. I can't remember what words she said. I might go back and note them down.

This I also agree with. It at least gives some believability to the fact that 2x08 actually happened, and the show isn't just dropped the episodes as soon as they release them.

Thank you. Yeah I like to think that they don't just forget these key and important moments.


Re: Reply Part 2 foxie_trot January 24 2010, 05:58:53 UTC
In the dictionary one of the definitions for subtle is:
Not to be found in Merlin.

LOL!!!!! XDDD This, so hard.

That would have been sooo much better! You need to be writing this show.

Haha, thanks. You know I would honestly love to be apart of their team. I would rip into all of them and make sure they listen to my advice. XD Oh well, we can only dream. ^_^;

His dream was impossible nad she knew that.

That's how I interpret it as well. I think she liked to lose herself in that ideal for the moments when Merlin was there, but once he left reality checked back in and she realised that she would have to leave - if only to protect Merlin from himself. I expect she also fears for Merlin's life as well (I understand the "Freya can recognise Merlin even when transformed" corny business and what it was trying to achieve, but Freya couldn't be sure she wouldn't just attack him). I also think she probably remembers all the people she kills too, and she didn't want her memories of Merlin's magic tarnished with him being forced to attack her.

I really fear for the way Johnny 'epic romance' Capps might bring her back.

LOL @ Johnny's new name. I like it.
But ugh, we need a fangirl on the writing team. RIGHT NOW, before they do something stupid AGAIN. Seriously, I would offer my services for free. SRSLY GUISE, I'M RIGHT HERE!!

I like to think that they don't just forget these key and important moments.

*pointedly looks at stares are 1x10, 1x11, 2x04 and 2x07* HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.


Re: Reply Part 2 a8c_sock January 24 2010, 12:03:58 UTC
Haha, thanks. You know I would honestly love to be apart of their team. I would rip into all of them and make sure they listen to my advice. XD Oh well, we can only dream. ^_^;

I think you would do us fans proud. *dreams with you*

I think she liked to lose herself in that ideal for the moments when Merlin was there, but once he left reality checked back in and she realised that she would have to leave - if only to protect Merlin from himself.

Yes. I think she had a great maturity about her in that regard. And yes she probably would fear that he would become a victom of her. Poor Freya. I thinj she really appreciated having that short time when she wasn't a monster, just a girl in a way. Merlin gave her back some normality. She wouldn;t want him to suffer because of her.

LOL @ Johnny's new name. I like it.
But ugh, we need a fangirl on the writing team. RIGHT NOW, before they do something stupid AGAIN. Seriously, I would offer my services for free. SRSLY GUISE, I'M RIGHT HERE!!

Why thank you. We do. I vote for a petition.

*pointedly looks at stares are 1x10, 1x11, 2x04 and 2x07* HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.

Someone needs to buy them a book in hwich they can write things so as not to forget them.


Re: Reply Part 2 foxie_trot January 26 2010, 21:10:14 UTC
I think you would do us fans proud. *dreams with you*

Haha! Thanks. I would definitely do my best! ^^;

she really appreciated having that short time when she wasn't a monster, just a girl in a way. Merlin gave her back some normality. She wouldn;t want him to suffer because of her.

I think you really said it, right there. I do see it more of Freya just being allowed that short time with Merlin, who didn't treat her as a monster/freak either because she WAS a monster, or because of her magic. She didn't love him, but she definitely loved being allowed those moments to be normal, despite her own self-hatred.

Someone needs to buy them a book in hwich they can write things so as not to forget them.

LOL exactly. Someone should by them a massive notebook, and attach a note to the front saying "MERLIN BIBLE. USE IT." and maybe they'll get the picture. lol!


Re: Reply Part 2 a8c_sock January 26 2010, 22:22:08 UTC
Haha! Thanks. I would definitely do my best! ^^;


I do see it more of Freya just being allowed that short time with Merlin, who didn't treat her as a monster/freak either because she WAS a monster, or because of her magic. She didn't love him, but she definitely loved being allowed those moments to be normal, despite her own self-hatred.

This. It wasn't an epic romance full of true love it was about two people having an opportunity to have some sort of normality. Freya loved having Merlin create that sense of normaloty and Merlin loved (not Freya but) being able to be himself around someone for a change. That was what was so sweet about them. It was never meant to be long lasting (and Freya knew that) but they could both appreciate the short time they had for what it was.

Someone should by them a massive notebook, and attach a note to the front saying "MERLIN BIBLE. USE IT." and maybe they'll get the picture. lol!

Yes. They really do need one. It would come in so useful. It would also help negate the jarring episodicness it can suffer from.


Re: Reply Part 2 foxie_trot January 30 2010, 13:29:02 UTC
It wasn't an epic romance full of true love it was about two people having an opportunity to have some sort of normality. Freya loved having Merlin create that sense of normaloty and Merlin loved (not Freya but) being able to be himself around someone for a change. That was what was so sweet about them. It was never meant to be long lasting (and Freya knew that) but they could both appreciate the short time they had for what it was.

I completely agree. Many people said (after that episode came out) that if Merlin had gone off with Freya and they did in fact manage to get away, there is no way he wouldn't return. Two weeks tops and he would be running back to Camelot and his Destiny, because he would realise where his home is and how important his job actually is - that he is the only one able to protect Arthur. I know he loves the time to be able to be himself, and it is so nice to see Merlin so relaxed and carefree, but they both knew it wouldn't last.

They really do need one. It would come in so useful. It would also help negate the jarring episodicness it can suffer from.

Oh god, they so do. I remember someone wanting to ask if they used a Merlin Bible for the writers interview I did, but I couldn't put it in (too many questions D:). Now I really wish I did, because I'd be interested to know the answer. Surely they couldn't have such jarring inconsistencies if they did???????


Re: Reply Part 2 a8c_sock January 30 2010, 14:40:10 UTC
Many people said (after that episode came out) that if Merlin had gone off with Freya and they did in fact manage to get away, there is no way he wouldn't return.

Exactly. He would have realise. Heck Arthur might have gone looking for him. he would have got hsi priorities back in order. Plus Freya would probably have pushed him back to Camelot, knowing that's where Merlin;s heart truly is. It was a respite from the harchness of relaity for both of them.

Deep down I think even Merlin knew that, he just couldn;t face it.

I remember someone wanting to ask if they used a Merlin Bible for the writers interview I did, but I couldn't put it in (too many questions D:).

I really hope they did/do. I mean it would be so handy to keep things all together, especially with the different writers. It could only help them.


Re: Reply Part 2 foxie_trot January 31 2010, 11:02:28 UTC
Heck Arthur might have gone looking for him. he would have got hsi priorities back in order. Plus Freya would probably have pushed him back to Camelot, knowing that's where Merlin;s heart truly is.

Oh I definitely believe this. Arthur cares so much about Merlin, if he had even the vaguest notion that he was alive (captured, by his thinking), Arthur would go after him. Of course Merlin would lead Arthur straight to him, and Arthur would find him doing magic Freya would most definitely push Merlin back with Arthur to return to Camelot. I can see it.
now I want to write that into fic. DAMN YOU!!!

I mean it would be so handy to keep things all together, especially with the different writers. It could only help them.

Exactly. I was under the impression that all shows used them, but maybe not? Dunno, it seems kind of strange - especially with all the writers they have. It would be an excellent Point of Reference, if nothing else.


Re: Reply Part 2 a8c_sock January 31 2010, 14:53:11 UTC
Arthur cares so much about Merlin, if he had even the vaguest notion that he was alive (captured, by his thinking), Arthur would go after him

He would. Even if his father told him not to go Arthur would disobey him and take a horse out to find him. And yeah Merlin would leave a very easy trail and Freya would be all 'you have to go back' and Merlin would realise where his heart lies.

If it makes you feel any better I spwnt four hours last night writing Merlin fic and I still have 15 WIPs

I was under the impression that all shows used them, but maybe not?

I thought they did but the eay this show I do wonder.


Re: Reply Part 2 foxie_trot February 2 2010, 07:00:49 UTC
He would. Even if his father told him not to go Arthur would disobey him and take a horse out to find him.

Lol, just like he did in 1x04. Disobeying his father is nothing to keeping his friends safe!

that knowledge only makes me feel slightly better, because I haven't been writing at all because I'm just too tired
Hopefully I'll get some things written soon though! :)


Re: Reply Part 2 a8c_sock February 2 2010, 22:22:11 UTC
Disobeying his father is nothing to keeping his friends safe!

Yes and that's why we love him!

Hopefully I'll get some things written soon though! :)

*crosses fingers for you having more time and energy.*


Re: Reply Part 2 foxie_trot February 6 2010, 14:36:15 UTC
*crosses fingers for you having more time and energy.*

Aww, bless, thank you. I think I actually will though! Tomorrow is Sunday and I'm hoping to do a lot of work in the writing department. :D (so long as all my emails/comments are answered and I don't get distracted). So thanks for the finger-cross! XD


Re: Reply Part 2 a8c_sock February 10 2010, 08:51:53 UTC
Hope you managed it.

I tried not to be distracting ;-)


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