Merlin Season Two: In Review (Part 2)

Jan 16, 2010 16:11

I shall now continue on from my previous post reviewing Merlin: Season Two.

Where did it all go so wrong? )

rant, haterade, merlin reaction, review

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Reply Part 3 a8c_sock January 16 2010, 19:28:23 UTC
I wish we had seen more of the sister angle being explored. The way Morgana seems ot know her and is clearly drawn to her. The bracelet that links them. Uther shouting the truth during an argument with her would have made very good drama. As it is it will be up to Morgause to tell Morgana and Morgause has manipulated her a great deal so far already. Making Morgana a victim.

Interesting you mention that she has blind faith in magic users. She does. She can't believe that a magical person could actually be evil for the sake of it. Whereas Merlin tends to automatically think the worst of many of the magic users he meets (which turns out to be justifed as they all end up to be bad guys). Hmmmm.

I do think there was much left unsaid with this relationship. We could have had more subtle hints as to the way it was heading but we didn't. Morgana seemed as callous as Uther wheb it came to the people he wanted to execute in 2/03.

Overall I enjoyed season 2 but then my expectations weren't that high. It;s odd I went back and found notes I had written about season 1 and it took me a good long while to warm up to the show in season 1 yet once I did I enjoyed it. Perhaps that's why I've ended up being fairly happy with season 2 on a level of 'enjoyable'.

I still have issues with some of the writing - hence my rambles - but I tend not to overthink whilst I am watching. In fact I really enjoyed 2x02 before I thought about it ;-) Overall I preferred the second half of the season to the first and I can put a lot of that down to the Merlin/Arthur dynamic improving and the acting of the cast.

I have hopes for season 3 though, and if they don't do the magical reveal, at least between Melrin and Arthur I will be very, very disappointed.


Re: Reply Part 3 foxie_trot January 19 2010, 12:32:37 UTC
Uther shouting the truth during an argument with her would have made very good drama.

You know, I really thought that was how they were going to reveal it. Because you know, that's just about the most Merlinesque way I could think of.

As it is it will be up to Morgause to tell Morgana and Morgause has manipulated her a great deal so far already. Making Morgana a victim.

And this is so true. Now that Morgause will be the one to tell her, she will definitely use that knowledge to turn Morgana against Camelot. Which sort of cheapens it, almost, because it's far too easy. Hell, Morgana had just about been killed, she obviously is drawn to Morgause and Morgause is just using her for her own ends (even if she does seem to care a lot about her). It's victimising Morgana, but I would rather her be proactively evil than just passively manipulated.

[Morgana] can't believe that a magical person could actually be evil for the sake of it.

This is a sad fact. And I guess it's how they will justify Morgana acting the way she will. I'll just hold out hope that she finds out the truth. *prays*

Overall I enjoyed season 2 but then my expectations weren't that high

I'm the same - don't let this massive review be confused for not enjoying it. I didn't have any expectations going in. My problem is that I actually started watching another show that was so much better thought out, and when I would come back to Merlin, I'd just end up feeling let down by it's writing. But I still enjoy it for what it is, and so long as I don't think about it too much, I love it.

In fact I really enjoyed 2x02 before I thought about it

LOL I think I'm the same. I was a bit :\ about it when I first watched it, but then I went and read heaps of reviews that were all "ZOMFGWOTISTHISSFUCKERY?!!!!!!!" and it kind of ... dampened it for me. lol.

I too, still have hope for season 3. If nothing else, the cast will do an amazing job with whatever they are given. And I have hope that the writers will pick up their game. I have to!


Re: Reply Part 3 a8c_sock January 19 2010, 19:44:47 UTC
You know, I really thought that was how they were going to reveal it. Because you know, that's just about the most Merlinesque way I could think of.

I love the word Merlinesque. Hee. And yes that would be the sort of style they woukd do it in. A big dramatic epic music scene with shouting.

It's victimising Morgana, but I would rather her be proactively evil than just passively manipulated.

Yep. I want to see Morgana not be manipulated by someone - Morgause, Alvarr etc. I want her to see her options and decide in the end to go down the dark path. Because she feels that is what she wants to do. I know Katie in the Secrets and Magic episode following 2x12 talks about how Melrin and Morgana have gone down two seperate paths, that Morgana's magic has taken her somewhere Merlin's never would but I just never saw it. I was lft with Katie filling on the gaps for me. Morgana hasn't made a conscious choice to be evil really she's been manipulated into it.

This is a sad fact. And I guess it's how they will justify Morgana acting the way she will. I'll just hold out hope that she finds out the truth. *prays*

Sadly yes I fear that is why they've done it. Here's hoping!

My problem is that I actually started watching another show that was so much better thought out, and when I would come back to Merlin, I'd just end up feeling let down by it's writing. But I still enjoy it for what it is, and so long as I don't think about it too much, I love it.

I can understand that. Merlin is more turn off most of the brain viewing. It is a shame though that they don't fully realise the potential the show has. It could be so much more.

LOL I think I'm the same. I was a bit :\ about it when I first watched it, but then I went and read heaps of reviews that were all "ZOMFGWOTISTHISSFUCKERY?!!!!!!!" and it kind of ... dampened it for me. lol.

Hee same here really. Now I can't go back and really enjoy it ;-) I like bits but overall it's a bit meh.

too, still have hope for season 3. If nothing else, the cast will do an amazing job with whatever they are given. And I have hope that the writers will pick up their game. I have to!

Yes the cast are so good at what they do it's about time they got the writing to really back that up.


Re: Reply Part 3 foxie_trot January 22 2010, 14:00:38 UTC
Morgana hasn't made a conscious choice to be evil really she's been manipulated into it.

Yea, I get the feeling that Katie has had to either go to the producers or whatever to have them explain to her wtf is going on, or she has just sort of made up in her head a way to explain Morgana's actions, since it hasn't actually been seen yet. I mean, we can infer this sort of stuff, but we don't know whats going on in Morgana's head (though Katie says she can understand Morgana, I'm pretty sure she would have had to go to TPTB for a bit more of an explanation!)

But yea, I'd love to see Morgana turn evil next season. I want her to find out the truth, why Merlin tried to poison her, and for her to then decide to go off on her own and be evil with Mordred, against EVERYBODY (not just Camelot), because I really think that would be the best choice for her character. But I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Merlin is more turn off most of the brain viewing. It is a shame though that they don't fully realise the potential the show has. It could be so much more.

It really is, which is such a shame. This is the kind of storyline that is so good and amazing, yet it has been completely wasted thus far. I desperately want someone who is a good writer to come back and try this again one day, actually telling a decent story with amazing interwoven plot lines and stuff.

Now I can't go back and really enjoy it ;-) I like bits but overall it's a bit meh.

Lol, I have this same problem. Especially with all the A/G scenes (which I could stand before, but after 3 months of listening to A/G bashing, I've really come round to that way of thinking XDD;) and 2x03 with Merlin being a twat. It just breaks my heart in so many ways. And that's not even getting into all of the other stupid shit that went on in the rest of the season. *sigh*

I suppose all we can do is hope for a better third season, and make sure our brains are turned off when we watch it, so we aren't disappointed.


Re: Reply Part 3 a8c_sock January 23 2010, 08:19:59 UTC
or she has just sort of made up in her head a way to explain Morgana's actions, since it hasn't actually been seen yet.

I think this has to be it. I mean in interviews she's always been very articulate and clear about Morgana'a motivations in a way that we haven't seen onscreen. And it's a pity we aren't seeing the itneresting stuff she's tlaking about. I really felt this in 2x11. We've seen Morgana stand up to Uther before but there wasn't the same motivation in 2x11 as in the season 1 episodes.

I want her to find out the truth, why Merlin tried to poison her, and for her to then decide to go off on her own and be evil with Mordred, against EVERYBODY (not just Camelot), because I really think that would be the best choice for her character.

I agree. It would give her back some of her own automy and make her less of a manipulated victim. And the dragon mentioned it was Mordred and Morgana united in evil, no mention of Morgause or anyone else. It has to be Morgana choosing it and choosing Mordred.

I desperately want someone who is a good writer to come back and try this again one day, actually telling a decent story with amazing interwoven plot lines and stuff.

That would be good. But I fear this is all we will get. Which is such a shame with this great cast they have.

Especially with all the A/G scenes (which I could stand before, but after 3 months of listening to A/G bashing, I've really come round to that way of thinking XDD;)

Yeah I know exactly what you mean I have been the same. I can justify my different views on other episodes but the A/G scenes in 2x02 nope.

I suppose all we can do is hope for a better third season, and make sure our brains are turned off when we watch it, so we aren't disappointed.

I have my fingers crossed. If TPTB listen to Bradley more it could be a much better season. But yeah I shall disengage my brain before viewing. Then I'll reengage it and go on the internet to think about it. ;-)


Re: Reply Part 3 foxie_trot January 24 2010, 06:09:21 UTC
she's always been very articulate and clear about Morgana'a motivations in a way that we haven't seen onscreen.

Yea, I noticed that a lot. It's a shame, because Katie probably understands what's going on in Morgana's head, yet because we don't see it, people could be watching and going like "omfgwhut? what have you been smoking???"
It is such a pity that we don't see these transformations and hardships that Morgana is going through though. It would make everything in 2x12 especially, so much more believable.

And the dragon mentioned it was Mordred and Morgana united in evil, no mention of Morgause or anyone else. It has to be Morgana choosing it and choosing Mordred.

This is true! I hope that the producers run with it like that, because that would be good. I just wonder how they are going to do it. *prays it's not stupid* *prays it's not stupid*

But I fear this is all we will get. Which is such a shame with this great cast they have.

I know. *wails* I doubt they'd ever have a chance to create something as great as this again (in terms of the cast and its amazing chemistry). Yet the writing is letting it down completely. Such a pity.

I can justify my different views on other episodes but the A/G scenes in 2x02 nope.

LOL yea. If I just pretend that 2x01 and 2x02, I actually like this season a whole lot more. I mean, even with the sudden change of heart Gwen seems to have in 2x10, it all sort of ... comes together? in a much better way.

If TPTB listen to Bradley more it could be a much better season. But yeah I shall disengage my brain before viewing. Then I'll reengage it and go on the internet to think about it. ;-)

LOL and I shall join you. We should start a campaign to have Bradley in charge of the writing department - or at the very least for the producers to take his words to heart when they start writing. Then we might be getting somewhere! ^^;


Re: Reply Part 3 a8c_sock January 24 2010, 12:08:16 UTC
a shame, because Katie probably understands what's going on in Morgana's head, yet because we don't see it, people could be watching and going like "omfgwhut? what have you been smoking???"

Yes. Katie clearly enjoys and loves her character and knows all this stuff and sadly we as viewers are missing out on it. And it's not fair to Morgana or Katie.

It is such a pity that we don't see these transformations and hardships that Morgana is going through though. It would make everything in 2x12 especially, so much more believable.

It would have made a good episode even better IMHO.

This is true! I hope that the producers run with it like that, because that would be good. I just wonder how they are going to do it. *prays it's not stupid* *prays it's not stupid*

Please let it not involve smarmy renengades or random Druid killings.

I know. *wails* I doubt they'd ever have a chance to create something as great as this again (in terms of the cast and its amazing chemistry). Yet the writing is letting it down completely. Such a pity.

I agree they lucked out cast wise. And yet not so much with other things.

LOL yea. If I just pretend that 2x01 and 2x02, I actually like this season a whole lot more. I mean, even with the sudden change of heart Gwen seems to have in 2x10, it all sort of ... comes together? in a much better way.

2x01 exists solely for me as Bradley and Colin's commentary episode *g*. And yeah I think in 2x10 the whole thing was done so much better.

We should start a campaign to have Bradley in charge of the writing department - or at the very least for the producers to take his words to heart when they start writing. Then we might be getting somewhere! ^^;

We should! Give him the chance PTB he won't let you down. His understanding and insights really are awesome.


Re: Reply Part 3 foxie_trot January 26 2010, 21:19:17 UTC
Katie clearly enjoys and loves her character and knows all this stuff and sadly we as viewers are missing out on it. And it's not fair to Morgana or Katie.

She does, and it really isn't fair. While I don't expect massive amounts of screen time devoted to it, just a little something every episode would have been nice. That way Katie would have gotten the screen time she deserves, and Morgana would have gotten the necessary story she deserves.

I agree they lucked out cast wise. And yet not so much with other things.

God, this so hard. I understand that Johnny and Julian have worked together creating a show for the BBC before? Wouldn't that mean that they should be able to luck out on that sort of thing?? Surely you have to deliver MORE to satisfy the hype? Or am I just being naive?

2x01 exists solely for me as Bradley and Colin's commentary episode *g*. And yeah I think in 2x10 the whole thing was done so much better.

LOL I just realised I had a typing fail moment in my comment. But yea, 2x01 exists only in its super angst fic potential. I've not listened to the commentaries yet \o/

Give him the chance PTB he won't let you down. His understanding and insights really are awesome.

Exactly! We should start a petition. Seriously. He would do such a great job at it too, you just know it! (and he probably has even more ideas floating around that brain of his, he just doesn't get the chance to express them!)


Re: Reply Part 3 a8c_sock January 26 2010, 22:31:31 UTC
While I don't expect massive amounts of screen time devoted to it, just a little something every episode would have been nice. That way Katie would have gotten the screen time she deserves, and Morgana would have gotten the necessary story she deserves.

Yeah we don't need much; a scene here and there would have been nice. I have to say it shows how lovely Katie is that she is always so enthusiastic about the show and would never complain abiut her lack of screentime.

I understand that Johnny and Julian have worked together creating a show for the BBC before? Wouldn't that mean that they should be able to luck out on that sort of thing?? Surely you have to deliver MORE to satisfy the hype? Or am I just being naive?

Well the guys behind the critcally acclaimed and popular series 'Life on Mars' went on to create the critcally panned, unintentionally hilarious, low rated 'Bonekickers' so I would say nothing is certain. You may have had a hit the first time around but in a way that means you have to work harder on the next one to make the show live up to the hype and come across as a well thought out and well produced show rather than somehting a little more self indulgent.

LOL I just realised I had a typing fail moment in my comment. But yea, 2x01 exists only in its super angst fic potential. I've not listened to the commentaries yet \o/

That it does. The commentaries are excellent. I am really hoping Bradley and Colin were let loose to do commentary on some of the other episodes as when they are do then together it really is good. They are really enjoyable commentaries with interesting stuff mentioned as well as jokes. They do play off each other so well.

Exactly! We should start a petition. Seriously. He would do such a great job at it too, you just know it! (and he probably has even more ideas floating around that brain of his, he just doesn't get the chance to express them!)

He would make an excellent producer actor in the future (it would probably be a bit much for him now) I am sure of it. He really would do a great job. If only he was givent he chance ot express them.


Re: Reply Part 3 foxie_trot January 30 2010, 13:39:54 UTC
I have to say it shows how lovely Katie is that she is always so enthusiastic about the show and would never complain abiut her lack of screentime.

I reckon. She really is so lovely. I wonder if it actually does bother her, or if they keep her own filming schedule busy enough so that she doesn't notice? It'd be interesting to find out.

Well the guys behind the critcally acclaimed and popular series 'Life on Mars' went on to create the critcally panned, unintentionally hilarious, low rated 'Bonekickers' so I would say nothing is certain. You may have had a hit the first time around but in a way that means you have to work harder on the next one to make the show live up to the hype and come across as a well thought out and well produced show rather than somehting a little more self indulgent.

Oh wow, really really? I've not seen 'Life of Mars' but I've heard it's excellent. I'm amazed that they're next project didn't do well at all. But I would definitely agree with you and say that you honestly have to make sure you make something completely mindblowing after such a first-time sucess, otherwise it really could mean it's all over. (although I bet that was a nice little shock for them. I bet next time they would really make sure they make something brilliant!)

The commentaries are excellent. I am really hoping Bradley and Colin were let loose to do commentary on some of the other episodes as when they are do then together it really is good. They are really enjoyable commentaries with interesting stuff mentioned as well as jokes. They do play off each other so well.

I can't believe I haven't watched them yet. Seriously, what is wrong with me? I blame the fact that the Australian DVDs don't have them. *glares* But I'm going to get them and listen to them asap, because I have heard they are excellent, from many people!! ^^;

He would make an excellent producer actor in the future (it would probably be a bit much for him now) I am sure of it. He really would do a great job. If only he was givent he chance ot express them.

I completely and totally agree. OMG could you imagine him producing/directing something? It'd be brilliant! I just hope that he brings back the other Merlin stars when that day comes, so that we can have their amazingness once again on our screens! ^_^


Re: Reply Part 3 a8c_sock January 30 2010, 14:46:39 UTC
I reckon. She really is so lovely. I wonder if it actually does bother her, or if they keep her own filming schedule busy enough so that she doesn't notice? It'd be interesting to find out.

She is. She did joke on Secrets and Magic 9 that if she was in for more than one day she started moaning so I don't know. I tend ot think the best of her, that's just too good not to be bothered by it but I guess you never know.

I'm amazed that they're next project didn't do well at all.

Yeah quite a shock. Of course they then did the Life On Mars sequel Ashes to Ashes and that's done very well. So I guess there's also the element of the type of show you do. They were better with the style Life on mars rather than the 'archaeological thriller' attempt they had with Bonekickers.

So yeah it must be hard to be totally original and successful each time.

I blame the fact that the Australian DVDs don't have them. *glares* But I'm going to get them and listen to them asap, because I have heard they are excellent, from many people!! ^^;

I hate the fact different countries get different extras. Fans can really miss out. They are truly excellent. I am desperate to know what ones we've got for vol 2 of the DVDs.

. OMG could you imagine him producing/directing something? It'd be brilliant! I just hope that he brings back the other Merlin stars when that day comes, so that we can have their amazingness once again on our screens! ^_^

He would be awesome. And yes how much would I love it if there was a little Melrin cast reunion? I might die of squee and joy. I really hope they work together in the future after Merlin as they work together so, so well.


Re: Reply Part 3 foxie_trot January 31 2010, 11:06:43 UTC
She did joke on Secrets and Magic 9 that if she was in for more than one day she started moaning so I don't know. I tend ot think the best of her, that's just too good not to be bothered by it but I guess you never know.

I do remember her joking about that, but I doubt it was serious. I mean, she loves her job. Maybe she means getting up early for filming? (I presume Colin and Bradley have to be there for all hours of the day!)

They were better with the style Life on mars rather than the 'archaeological thriller' attempt they had with Bonekickers.

I can believe that. Sadly some writers are just better suited to a certain style, and they do it very, very well. I love Ashes to Ashes, so I definitely thing they should keep to that style show!

I hate the fact different countries get different extras. Fans can really miss out. They are truly excellent. I am desperate to know what ones we've got for vol 2 of the DVDs.

I hate it as well. Thankfully I at least have fandom to upload the stuff for me, but it really is stupid that they dont just give everyone the same thing. What's up with that anyway??

how much would I love it if there was a little Melrin cast reunion? I might die of squee and joy. I really hope they work together in the future after Merlin as they work together so, so well.

God, I would love it so much. I love these guys so much that it would be such a shame if they never worked together again after this. They're all so brilliant together!


Re: Reply Part 3 a8c_sock January 31 2010, 14:56:57 UTC
I mean, she loves her job. Maybe she means getting up early for filming? (I presume Colin and Bradley have to be there for all hours of the day!)

I think you have ti right. Poor Colin and Bradley must very rarely have a lie in.

Sadly some writers are just better suited to a certain style, and they do it very, very well. I love Ashes to Ashes, so I definitely thing they should keep to that style show!

I agree. I think you should stick to your strengths where you can.

Thankfully I at least have fandom to upload the stuff for me, but it really is stupid that they dont just give everyone the same thing. What's up with that anyway??

I wish I knew. We miss out on such good stuff this way. Thank goodness for fandom but still...

God, I would love it so much. I love these guys so much that it would be such a shame if they never worked together again after this. They're all so brilliant together!

I agree. I want them all together in the future too. It would be interesting to see them tackle somehting different to Merlin. So rare you get such a lovely lovely cast together.


Re: Reply Part 3 foxie_trot February 2 2010, 07:03:09 UTC
I think you should stick to your strengths where you can.

Same. Not that I'm adverse to trying new things. But somethings just aren't for you. [sad fact]

I wish I knew. We miss out on such good stuff this way. Thank goodness for fandom but still...

yea, it's so stupid. Imagine if we didn't have such a great fandom? Then we would miss out on so much brilliance! Seriously, it is illogical.

I want them all together in the future too. It would be interesting to see them tackle somehting different to Merlin. So rare you get such a lovely lovely cast together.

Same. It would be utterly fantastic, I know it!


Re: Reply Part 3 a8c_sock February 2 2010, 22:24:03 UTC
Same. Not that I'm adverse to trying new things. But somethings just aren't for you. [sad fact]

*nods* this is sadly true.

yea, it's so stupid. Imagine if we didn't have such a great fandom? Then we would miss out on so much brilliance! Seriously, it is illogical.

We are so lucky ot have such a lovely sharing fandom. And it is, it really is.

Same. It would be utterly fantastic, I know it!

Yes. Even if was set in a cardboard box factory it would be awesome. *is now getting funny ideas about what this show in a cardboard box factory would be like*


Re: Reply Part 3 foxie_trot February 6 2010, 14:37:41 UTC
Even if was set in a cardboard box factory it would be awesome. *is now getting funny ideas about what this show in a cardboard box factory would be like*

LOL that was so random. But I think you are infecting me, and my fanfic-ridden mind is infecting me, and I am now getting some rather funny ideas about what sort of show thins would be like too. XDDDD


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