Red Hot Chilli Pipers Concert!

Aug 26, 2009 13:13

Last night I went and saw the ‘Red Hot Chilli Pipers’ live, and even though I had my doubts, I’m so glad I went. It was a really fantastic show, and I even got to talk to a bunch of the guys afterwards! *squeals* it was similar in a lot of ways to the Gathering’s show (which I still haven’t written up about … >_>;) but now that it’s fresher in my mind, I’ll just pimp them out here!

Well first of all I just have to say WHAT THE FUCK is wrong with google maps? I did a search for the venue The RHCP were playing at, and it told me that the HMV Picture House was on Broughton Road! But it’s not; the HMV Picture House is on Lothian Road, and that’s miles away!! So I ended up going for a really long fucking stupid walk around Edinburgh, before finally finding the right place about 10 minutes before the show was scheduled to start. God, talk about scared the shit out of me. I had no idea where I was meant to go, but thankfully someone I asked did. UGH GOOGLE, DIAF!

So yea, got there but then they couldn’t find my ticket. Joysome. Thankfully the nice cute irish girl working there just gave me a Guest pass (lol) and t’was all good. She reminded me so much of Luna it was freaky. And I loved her accent! *squishes* Ahem, anyway. I managed to skip half the line as well, and just went inside. I had to wash my hands desperately, because I had gotten fish and chips earlier and my fingers were covered in grossness, and stickiness. I then went out to check out the Merch table, which is where I realised that I was a fucking idiot. I had meant to get some money out before going inside, but of course I hadn’t. and you had to pay cash [obviously] to buy their CDs and such, so I had to run back out again. Thankfully the guys in charge just gave me a wrist band and let me run down the road to the Cash Point to get some money out, before running back in. I got the RHCP’s first two CDs; “Red Hot Chilli Pipers” and “Bagrock to the Masses”. I contemplated getting the souvenir brochure, because it was only £2, but I decided against it at the time.

I made my way up to the front of the barrier, because the people attending this concert were nice and placid and laid back about where they stood. So I managed to weave through the crowd and got an excellent spot right in the centre, one person back from the barrier (seems to be the story of my life, huh?). but it was a good spot nonetheless, and I was not going to be moved. The show started about 20 mins late, with some kind of awesome music-only band coming out and playing. I quite liked them, but I spent a lot of time admiring the bass player (damn Kate, you are so right about them!) and laughing at his eagerness. He was soooooooooo adorable, being all ‘rock star’ like. XDDDDDDD;

I was more impressed by the guy who played the bagpipes, and the flute thing. And the fact that they had a violin made them awesome in my books. ^0^ and they were fun to listen to. There is this weird thing though, that I do, when I listen to bands that don’t have lyrics. I did the same thing when I was the Red Hot Chilli Pipers at the Gathering; I think. I spent the whole time they were performing thinking about … retarded shit that will not be remembered [I hope]. But no matter, I encouraged it so that when the RHCP came out, I could give them my full attention and not have to deal with pesky thoughts revolving around my stupid brain.

We had to wait quite a bit before the RHCP had managed to set up their part of the show. They had to get rid of a lot of mic stands and roll up lots of cables or something, and change (why were they not dressed before??? I don’t understand!!) but eventually they did come out at about 9pm. Exactly as I had predicted! *is awesome*

Gregor, the guy with the pink mowhawk, led them all out, and Mr Stuart (the main spokesman of the band, it would seem) opened the concert to thunderous applause and awesome music. They had a big fanfare of piping and drumming and strumming for the first epic song, and I had this suspicion that perhaps this show would be very similar to the ones I saw at the Gathering, and I very much hoped it wouldn’t. I say this because they made the same crack at Gregor about his PINK mowhawk [he usually has a red one], but at the moment he’s getting in touch with his ‘feminine side’ … and Gregor kissed him on the cheek. XD; so that was all the same … as was the song line-up for the first half of the show, I reckon (or maybe the whole show? I cannae remember). The one song that I knew was ‘The Waltz’ (opened and performed in pretty much the same way as they did it the 2 days at The Gathering *lol*) but they did re-introduce the pianist, who was different from last time, and thankfully they dropped the silly ‘Play in Morroco’ gag. Gregor still had ADD and didn’t stay in one place longer than a second, so all the photo’s I have of him are rubbish.

Of course the Red Hot Chilli Dancers came out on stage to wolfwhistles and many appreciative cheers. They were just as amazing as last time, though I think they’re dance routine was a bit different. There were only 4 of them this time, and I found it amusing that you could tell which ones wore the fake hair, coz you could actually see the clip, where it clipped into their hair! XDD;; *dies laughing* they were really beautiful, as always though, and their outfits were different for the show. I liked their sparkly outfits in the beginning, and the RHCP logo that they had imprinted onto their next outfit, and their red flowy dress for the ‘special song’ was as lovely as ever. And the ending; the punk rocker outfits were slightly different, but still AWESOME.

One thing that was very different though, was the lighting. I don’t know if it was just because now I was actually up close, but it was such a bitch to try and get photo’s that didn’t come out as just a wash of Red/White. Of course the main colour of the show was ‘red’ (though Rancid and it’s opening band were the same last year …), which made photography REALLY FUCKING DIFFICULT! Especially the way the band was lit up. *annoyed at having crappy photos, despite good position*

About half way through the show, something incredibly awesome happened. This guy right beside me, in impressive Scottish dress, was called out from the crowd because it was his birthday! And Stuart was like “well now sir, that is impressive! We can’t have you dressed like that and not have you come up on stage!” and so up he went. Stuart slapped the guy on the back, pulled out a wee box from his furpurse and handed the mic over to the Birthday Man. And oh my god, you should have heard the *gasp*. Birthday Man was holding onto the ring box and LOL his girlfriend was all “OH MY GOD!!!!!” covering her mouth and all dramatic and stuff. And Birthday Man proposed to her! *~AWWWWW~* it was soooooo sweet! The lady hurried up on stage, said yes, and they cuddled/kissed away. It was so lovely! She came back down and she was crying, and they didn’t let go of each other for the rest of the night. It was really just … wonderful. :D

Of course this meant that my mind started to wander. The RHCP were playing one of their softer/slower songs, and my head drifted off to what I would think would be an awesome proposal. LOL it’s so geeky! It is, of course, in a convention, where I would be called up on stage by ___[DanRad]___ and not pay much attention until they’re already down on their knees, I would scream hysterically until they asked the question, and then I would jump on them (possibly breaking my knee caps in the process). So yea, getting proposed to in an anime convention is my ideal proposal. LOL I AM SO LAME.
[/end geektardness]

Moving on to more exciting things; thankfully I was able to get my head out of the clouds real quick and pay attention to what was going on. They played the awesome bagrock version of the Aussie song “” by and of course the only time ‘lyrics’ are involved in the show is during this song. Everyone does the ‘ooooooo ooooooh oooooo ooooooooooooooooh’ chorus, after encouragement. BUT HE’S THE AWESOME THING! At the beginning of the show he said to shout out if you were from various countries (he listed them) and of course there were two others from Australia in the crowd. Just before the Australian song came on, he asked if there were any Aussie’s in the audience, and the two that were quite near to me (practically right in front of me) called out that they were from Perth. Despite my sore throat, I still managed to shout out “QUEENSLAND!” while waving my hands about [like a crazy person]. And Mr Stuart paid attention to me! :D *is easily pleased* but he asked me to repeat myself (shouted again) and he was all ‘oh … well … that’s practically down the road from one another. Not very far away at all!’ (note the sarcasm). And he said all this while looking at me! ^____________________^ it was a huge fangirl moment, and I couldn’t help squealing as they started the song. LOL but at least the music drowned me out! XD;

They have this one bit where it’s like “the Drummers Show” where the drummers in the band (the three of them) get to do a skit all by themselves. Basically its them showing off how good they are, and the blonde one in red glasses and the awesome 4 drum … thing do fancy drum work … while the one on the drum kit just bashes away, but the other mobile drum man gets his kit on and they spar with … drumming? Trust me, it sounds weird, but it’s really awesome. Hopefully video footage I have somewhere will work and I’ll upload for awesomeness. THEY ARE SO FAST IT’S IMPRESSIVE LIKE WHOA!


One of my favourite bits was still in the show - the 100 pipers adaptation. I don’t know this song at all, but what the Chilli Pipers do is have us all crouch down as much as we can, and clap to the beat, and when we get to a certain part of the song [we would know when that was], we’d all jump up and sing and dance and … stuff. So we did! And you do it twice during the song, and I definitely love it. Especially when you’re bobbing away, kneeling on the flooring, clapping and grinning like an idiot. ^-^ it’s fantastic!

Several songs later and they were doing their last song for the show. D: it was the big punk rock mega awesome closing song, where they have everyone doing this cool “clap, clap, arms out” to the beat of the drums. Everyone gets right into it, and after which they ‘close the show’. You know the speech, “thank you for being a great audience, merch is over there and we have been *lists people while pointing to band members, who do their funky thing* thank you and goodnight!” and they rock out some more until they finish the song, and file off stage. Of course we yelled for their encore (chanting WE WANT MORE! WE WANT MORE!) and they ran back out :D yayness! They did their final song, the lights went off and that was the end of it.

I decided that I would in fact get a souvenir brochure, since it would be totally worth it to have the pictures of all of the Pipers in one convenient place XD; I had taken quite a liking to the Drum Kit drummer, who was very young and very cute. ^^;;; I also found out, when I bought it, that if I hung around the Chilli Pipers themselves would come out and sign it for me! \o/ ZOMG YAY!!!!! So I stuck around to see if I couldn’t ambush all the guys into signing my booklet for me. ^_______________^

The first to come out was - who else? Mr Gregor Pink Mowkawk himself. He was getting his picture taken with a fan and signing (they had their own pens, thank god!) someone’s brochure … but then he sneaked past and we all moved up to the area closer to the bar, away from the scary blokes trying to clean up the mess from the ‘mosh pit’. because Gregor was busy with lots of people (evidently he is quite popular) I decided to go annoy one of my favourite Pipers and members of the band. He signed his page in the booklet and took a picture with me (thankfully I found someone nice enough to take our picture). Apparently he’s a Chartered Accountant! Didn’t find this out until later, when I was reading through the booklet, but OH MY GOD HOW FUCKING COOL IS THAT?! And he is definitely one of the coolest RHCP members, in my opinion. He does lots of dancing and prancing around stage, and he has the loveliest smile. ^-^

I was able to get the signature of the 3rd Piper, before I managed to siddle up to Mr Steve Fierce Drummer Hottie. I asked for a picture with him and I was able to get one, before I turned to him and told him with the biggest smile I could muster “you’re my favourite!” XDD and he was very flattered or flustered or embarrassed (or some mix of the three), and his grin was incredibly cute. ^0^ I went on about his drumming skills being uber awesome or something, before slinking away trying to look as though I still had my dignity intact. XD; I was waiting around to get Mr Stuart’s signature (which I finally managed) but then Gregor Pink Mowhawk suddenly became free and I jumped at the chance to have him sign my book. I also asked for a photo and then laughed when he warned me that “he was minging” LOL. Scottish slang is so awesome!

The last two lads I was lucky enough to get a photo with were the final two drummers. I went up to the blonde one with the retro red glasses, asked for his signature and then mentioned that his drummer’s spar with drum sticks skit that he has with the other mobile drummer. He said ‘thanks’ and pointed out that the other drummer was right behind me, but I probably didn’t recognise him without his glasses. xDD; so I got him to sign as well and asked for a photo with the two of them. Coz they’re special and awesome like that! :D

I found the pianoist and managed to speak with him for a few minutes, saying that I saw them at The Gathering, but it was a different pianoist at the time (yes, I was correct). I also said that he should come down to Australia and play there, because we’d love to have you! Haaha, he said it would be best to speak with Stuart for that sort of thing, and what would you know? Stuart just happened to walk up behind me! Lol so I said to him about that (and he was like, have I signed your book? He had, but I didn’t get a photo with him DX), and he said that the only way they’d get to Oz is if they have some help. SO LETS HELP THEM PEEPS. RHCP NEEDS TO COME TO OZ RIGHT NOW!

In any case, that was the end of it and I was out the door (probably one of the last to leave XD). The wee Japanese lady that I had been taking picture for and vice versa inside was there, and she asked if we could have a picture taken together (why the fuck didn’t I think to do the same? *retard*) and we got a group of people nearby to take our picture. Then we walked off together, talking a whole lot in Japanese and OMG I ACTUALLY MANAGED TO HAVE A PROLONGED CONVERSATION WITHOUT MAKING AN ARSE OUT OF MYSELF! My Japanese wasn’t fantastic, but I still managed to make myself understood, which was fantastic. I felt uber excited about that, and we chatted together about loving the Band (LOL, we’re both fan’s now!) and that it was my second time seeing them, her first and that she wished they would do a gig in Japan. She also told me that it was not her first time in Edinburgh, and that she wished she could stay longer (the following day she was going out to Dundee).

I told her that I had been to Japan before and that I had been to Nara even (we talked a bit about the places I had been and the things that I had seen, like the Big Budda and the hole in that pole that represents Budda’s nostril and it’s supposed to be good luck - too fat to go through!). we also talked about how much we love Europe and love travelling around it and even though I love australia and japan, I kind of like Europe a little bit more because everything is quite close together and you have such a bunch of diverse nations quite near each other. Sadly though, we had to part ways eventually and I went to my bus stop to take me home. I read through the RHCP booklet on the bus on the way home, and where I found out my favourite RHCP with the cute smile is also an Accountant! Well, what would you know! Wish I’d known that sooner. ^^; but anyway, it was a great night and one I wish I could relive!!

boys in skirts, marriage scares me, fangirl, lolz, i see famous people, travel, japanification, picspam

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