Gosh, I don’t think I’ve had such a stressful and busy day at work since I started working there. It was kind of good though, because I’d rather be doing stuff than not … and I got to edit a report, which was lots of fun. ^_^ getting paid to edit something together?! How awesome is that?! *such a book geek*
Anyway … I was reading a few things online, browsing my News RSS feeds … and came across one article that pissed me off and made me laugh really hard at the same time …
http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/news/queensland/practice-tests-to-get-qld-students-up-to-speed/2009/01/27/1232818426601.htmlWHATEVER HAPPENED TO THE SMART STATE NOW?!!
This one kind of scares me a lot, because I’m about to go home to flood ravaged Queensland … at least Bowen isn’t included in the disaster zone. Then I think I would really be panicking. I can’t really imagine what it must be like - I’ve never had to deal with there not being enough groceries in the town. >_< there’s never been a lack of fresh bread, milk, fruit or veg in my whole life … and yet now there is. Crazy!!
http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/news/queensland/floodravaged-north-faces-more-of-the-same/2009/01/31/1232818785353.html And one that just pissed me off …
http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/news/queensland/news-not-all-bad-for-drenched-north/2009/01/31/1232818787377.htmlWTF DO YOU MEAN, IT’S NOT THAT BAD?!! ARE YOU INSANE?! A little bit of rain is good - drowning the whole fucking state is NOT! I mean, it’s all well and good that we are getting rain - hell, we haven’t had any in a long while. But even if the grass ‘goes nuts’ after the rain, it’s not going to last!! If you don’t get follow up rain in a couple of months, the grass’ll just go to shit brown again!
GRRR people are idiots. *stabs*
And that is my link spam for the day. ^^;;
PS - and the new LJ community (
vicbushfirefund thats come about to get people to fundraise for the people who've suffered in the Bushfires ... aww, bless them. People are selling icons for $2!! XD; thats the cutest thing I ever did see. *huggles people*