Sep 26, 2008 15:51
Well, today was okay. Just like my title. Doi. Yea, I know, I'm boring, but o well, here's where I get to vent out all of my feelings. After all, it's my blog. Studies aren't going so well for me nowadays. My teachers have been just dishing out the tests to me this week, and I've been doing either okay, or bad, on them. Yea, I've done well on some things, but I'm still not quite satisfied with my grades. I've been set on getting straight A's this year, and so far my plans are going to ruins. Although the reason why I want to do well is partially so my dad will stop complaining about my grades and so that the colleges I want to go to can see my improvements, but mostly it's because I really want to do well. Yea, I can probably half ass second semester, but I personally wouldn't be happy with my grades.
Oi, everybody's going to Yogurt World today, but since my dad's home today and we're relaxing more as a family, I'd personally like to go to some place else without the crowds of teens. So we're going to get take out from a Chinese restaurant in a few minutes. And we're getting my favorite soup and food of all: hot and sour soup. ^_____^ I love that stuff so much!
Wow, my dad just got pissed at me for something silly. He really does get on my nerves. I can't see how a person can get angry over such little silly things. I just misinterpreted what he says, and he glares at me like heck. WTF!!! Well, he's definitely the most angry person in the world, at least out of all of the people that I have met. And people ask why I feel so cynical about the world... look at my environment and you'll soon know.
Edit: OMG.. I love the Daily Show. It's just hilarious! It's like politics on crack. XD jk... I just love satire, and the show is brimming with it.
Edit: Found a new shounen-ai! ^____^ It's called Monochrome Factor and its' quite good so far.