Summer Ending

Aug 12, 2008 10:59

How sad. The summer is almost over. And school's almost starting. Can't wait to see my friends, but that's about all that I'm looking forward to, putting aside the design mix media class I'm taking. O... I should put up my schedule.

Chemistry- Liao
AP Calc BC- Matson
AP Physics C/2-Miles
AP US Gov- Hizal
Design Mix Media- Adams
AP Eng. Lit.- Taumopeau

Well, it's a lot better than last year, and I don't have to put up with my Spanish teacher's crap again. So I'm a lot happier. Plus, I think I should be able to go to prom this year. ^___^ And maybe go to Sushiya at the end of the year with my friends.

summer, school

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