I was cleaning up stuff from my folders for NEWS, there are soo many random things just littered across every single folder!! Even colored manga pages I have.... T_T Time to move them...
And then I finally store my 24 Hour Terebi whole show into my DVD~, unsubbed though. Subbed ones.... There are no more right? From newshfan? O_o Cuz if there is then I'll leave them there till she has subbed everything she wants to.
Then I'm not sure if this is form 2008-2009 or 2009-2010. Which year was it?
It was from 2009 to 2010, thanks
elizajet ~
I am not sure whose version I have, but I realized that the pcis don't have the actual calendar dates on them. I only have NEWS... So the actual dates does not have NEWS faces on right? Then I don't have to search for it if there isn't. There isn't. :) Yeah~ Just NEWS will do. :)
And sorted all the GIFS into folders~ like 24 Hour Terebi is 160mb of Gifs.. O_O
Oh this GIF came out fast........ T_T It did not looked so fast on my computer! O_O
But this
Shige did scared me Massu...I found out that he has no leg hair?!? Can someone clarify this for me? Or do they trim their leg hari?
And finally put Massu's SCP into my video folder..has been in the main folder forever. XD
And in that folder I found KOyashige's Xmas Lights Event.. XD Shige tickled koyama's chin/face. XDDDDD A pity it was not caught on camera... cameramen in japan are... (>_>) (oops! XD) The original GIF I made was 8.4mb. O_O Shortened it to 2.09mb. Seirously you don't have to ask me whether you can take my GIFs or not, I really don't care... Please stop asking. Nice to comment if you are though. :)
Does anyone knows how to open a Gif animated file in CS3 Extended in frames? It does not seemed to work.
I also found my 1.87GB screencaps folder, which 99.9% of it consists of 24 Hour Terebi that I took, I know I did said that I was going to cap every single video, but I cannot. XD It stops okay? XD
Should I delete them all or should I pick and choose some to keep?
Oh, then I put the random pics into a folder too... clean clean clean~ Yeah~
Shige in random pic folder HAHAHA I wonder what will be that woman reacts when she wakes up finding Shige on her shoulder. XDD