Dream about NEWS!!

May 04, 2009 14:19

It was a dream about their concert. Only Tegoshi and Massu was in sight. They were wearing black leather gold clothes, it looked like clothes from the accent dance.

Accent Dance

They were on the travelling thing. The thing that they stepped into and it goes around the stadium for their fans closeups. Tegoshi and Massu were in one together. I could only see the two of them by the way, the rest I know they're in the concert but I did not see them. Only Tegoshi and Massu!

Tegoshi and Massu were singing some song, and the were soooo close to fans that the if the fans have a handphone with camera, they could take a close up shot of TegoMasu's faces without zooming in at all if they should just stretch their hands out!! And by the distance they were to Tegoshi and Massu, they could stretch their hands and touch them!!

Which was what happened. There were many fans there, but not THAT many. Maybe like 15? I think the travelling thing reached a corner and stopped there where there werent that many fans at that corner but still very very close.

So when they reached taht corner the fans there reached their hands and tried to touch them!! Tegoshi was standing nearer to the fans and he tried to avoid it by grabbing on tightly to Massu, laughing embarrassly and very shy about it. He was sliding down as he was laughing because he was very embarrassed, and was trying to avoid the fans hands as well.

Then it was their turn to sing and I supposed that the travelling thing had moved forward because the fans hand were no longer there and they could move in it(although small) and Massu was the one nearer to the fans now.

It was Massu's turn to sing, and he squatted down in front of Tegoshi's crotch!!!! And Tegoshi had put the mic (hand held one) in front of his crotch like it was his own! But in the opposite way that the part where you're supposed to sing into was at Tegoshi's crotch and the end part with the little wire sticking out is at Massu's mouth. So there was no voice coming out. -_-

Then it was Tegoshi's turn to sing and he sang it beautifully, holding the mic the correctly way and his voice came out really good!!!!

One thing I noticed though, was that Massu's hair was as usual, and Tegoshi had a buzzcut................................... the hair was about an inch long, but it was a buzzcut.................... and Tegoshi had fattened up that while he was avoiding the fangirls' hands by clutching tightly to Massu, he showed his slightly chubby squared face with double chin!!!

Oh my.


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