(no subject)

Oct 18, 2010 21:14

(9:10:11 PM) Nathan: http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/Strange-News/Pizza-Burger-Burger-King-To-Introduce-The-2500-Calorie-Pizza-Burger-In-New-York-In-September/Article/201008415704796?lpos=Strange_News_Second_Strange_News__Article_Teaser_Region__0&lid=ARTICLE_15704796_Pizza-Burger:_Burger_King_To_Introduce_The_2,500-Calorie_Pizza_Burger_In_New_York_In_September
(9:10:28 PM) Foxhack: uh...
(9:10:56 PM) Nathan: oh that's right
(9:11:00 PM) Nathan: you didn't see the other picture
(9:11:03 PM) Foxhack: do want
(9:11:05 PM) Foxhack: DO FUCKING WANT
(9:11:07 PM) Foxhack: :D
(9:11:16 PM) Nathan: this arose from the "food that can kill you" topic
(9:11:24 PM) Foxhack: really?
(9:11:27 PM) Nathan: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3647/3596489705_840c7d4542_m.jpg
(9:11:32 PM) Foxhack: I eat like 2500 calories FOR BREAKFAST :P
(9:11:40 PM) Foxhack: what's that?
(9:11:45 PM) Foxhack: wait
(9:11:45 PM) Foxhack: is that
(9:11:48 PM) Foxhack: a fried burger
(9:11:49 PM) Nathan: it's a DEEP FRIED BIG MAC.
(9:11:50 PM) Foxhack: o_O
(9:11:52 PM) Foxhack: the fuck
(9:11:56 PM) Foxhack: FUCK YOU AMERICA
(9:11:59 PM) Foxhack: FUCK YOU D:
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