I still think they're a crap bank

Sep 10, 2010 23:39

So lemme get this straight.

Bank of America messed up my mother's bank account and they refuse to fix it? Yeah, that's just like them.

Basically, her bank account was opened by her, and when my father became ill, she added him as the secondary account owner so she could receive his pension money there (and use it to pay for his nursing care.) But now that my father is dead, she decided to remove him from the account, and put me instead, so I could go and get money from the account if she needed any and couldn't go to the bank for one reason or another.

So we go there last week, and they tell us that no, they can't remove my father until we bring his death certificate. So we postpone the whole thing until yesterday. And we go there, and what do we find? Well, that my father is the main account holder now.

Yeah. The hell.

See, mom shows up as the owner in the main database (which they access via a DOS-like console). But in their secondary database, the Windows-based one that they use for everything else? Dad shows up as the owner. Even though he was added as a secondary account owner. And even though we explained to the clerk that he was a secondary user, he simply refused to help us out, unless we closed the account and opened another one.

Which we did not want to do under any circumstances. Hell, it felt to me like the guy was trying to get a commission for opening a "new" account!

So we left. I was pissed, mom was pretty annoyed. But that was enough to convince her to dump their sorry asses and get an account at MY bank. We'll do that at the end of the year.


In short, Bank of America still fucking blows and I wish someone would buy them up so they stop being so AWFUL at everything.

(Full disclosure: I closed my account there many years ago after they screwed me over because they charged me money over a deposit. I closed my account and told them to go screw themselves.)
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