I shot a bunch of panoramas this year at Burning Man, but not as many as I had wanted to shoot. (Like I didn't manage to get any at night.) Anyway, [stories go here], I need to get some sleep right now. I've got some regular portrait stuff, almost ready to post, but I'm probably not going to have enough time to post it until next week.
I haven't done any post processing on these panoramas here, it's literally just the .jpgs which came out of the camera, thrown into PTGui. These are the middle exposures of an HDR set. Also, the tower kept shaking because of all the people running up and down the stairs; So there's a little bit of motion blur in some parts of these. I probably should have shot everything at a faster shutter, but anyway, need to sleep now.
These were shot from the top of an eleven story tall skyscraper that some crazy people built, way out in the middle of nowhere, on a lake bed, in the desert. (It had steel I-beams, it was a real building, constructed in four days.)
BRC_dawn_test3b 22392x3798 71°x12° 55395908 bytes
BRC_dawn_test4 25000x2660 47°x5° 46937922 bytes